Chapter 16: Origin

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"Hit that landing and balance yourself- you don't wanna fall over should your opponent suddenly decide to change direction. So like... yes! Just like that, Kacchan!"

Katsuki grinned and wiped the sweat from his brow as steady feet hit the sand just before turning back towards Deku. "Eh? That good?"

"It was great!" Deku applauded. "I'm glad you're getting the hang of these landings- even since just last month, you've started looking so much better."

"I mean, I ain't the only one who's been improving." Katsuki grinned, only for Deku to groan at the mention. "You know I watch the news. And tell me- who was the one that executed a perfect rescue downtown this week?"

He wasn't sure he'd ever grow tired of seeing the subtle red flush across Deku's cheeks. "This lesson isn't about me and you know it."

Even so, there was no denying the wobbly smile across his lips. There'd been some sort of shift in him since he'd gone back on duty, some sort of joy, no, life returning. They'd only been training with each other on and off for a few months now, both busy with school or work or whatever else, and yet even so- Katsuki wasn't sure he'd ever seen Deku as lively as he was these days.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Katsuki rolled his eyes. "But don't go easy on me today, 'kay? I know you wanted to have a practice session for my birthday, but–"

"Excuse you." Deku stepped closer, arms crossed over his chest with a wry smile on his lips. "You should know by now that I'm not going to go easy on you. But would you rather me help you out with fun training for today, or tell you to drop and give me a hundred?"

I mean, when you're the one asking it doesn't sound too bad.

But, still. "...okay, yeah, fun training is fine."

Deku clapped him on the shoulder. "That's the spirit. But would you wanna break for a bit? We've been going for a while now."

It was true- though they had more daylight now than just a few months ago, it was already bordering on seven o'clock as the sun set over low, rolling waves. Katsuki had almost grown an addiction to working out at the beach- training on the sandy terrain was certainly different than concrete, and they'd been able to focus in on technique-based things so much more intimately than in a group setting. His progress in class was becoming more and more pronounced by the day just from the stuff he'd learned from Deku, and at this point, he had no intent to quit.

"Sure. I'm down for a break."

A small bench in the shade of the beachside become their dropping point. Katsuki rested his head against Deku's chest as a clothed arm wrapped itself around his own shoulder- a position more natural than he ever could've expected to find.

I still can't believe he lets me do this with him. Fuck, I love it when he holds me.

"Wanna tell me how your birthday was yesterday?" Deku asked, warm fingers running through Katsuki's hair. "You said you just hung out with your friends, right?"

"Mhm. Yeah, that's about it." Katsuki murmured, eyes falling shut as he relaxed against the steady thrum of Deku's heartbeat and the gentle touch against his scalp. "Went out to dinner... I thought it was fun. Camie said I was boring. They- well, she- wanted to throw some sort of bigass party instead."

"You're not into lots of celebration, then? I get that."

Honestly, being here is all I really wanted.

"My parents got me a new sleeping bag." He continued, slipping a hand to rest on Deku's leg. "For camping."

"Oh, you go camping?" Deku asked. "Is there a certain area you like?"

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