Chapter 29: Sports Fest Redux

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"Hey... you still sleeping?"


"O-Oh, sorry if I woke you up... just wanted to know if you were alright?"

Izuku blinked, his room still dim despite flickers of light trickling in through mostly-closed blinds. Soft sheets were draped across his shoulders, soft hair tickled his neck, and soft skin—


"Mmm, Kacchan..." He murmured, only curling closer around his boyfriend's smaller form. "G'morning."

"Morning, my ass. It's noon."

...oh. Whoops.

"Shoot, sorry..." Izuku apologized. "Are you, uh, hungry? Need me to make something?"

"Did it myself earlier." Katsuki admitted, but only pressed further against him, his back fitting against Izuku's chest way, way too perfectly. "Came back 'n you were still sleeping. Hope you don't mind that I used some off your eggs."

"Why are you apologizing? Fuck, I..." An arm caressed Katsuki's chest , running up and down, up and down as gentle as could be. "You're at my place, s'my job to take care of that... didn't mean to be a shitty boyfriend."

He still feels so good, though... I love touching him, even if it's just like this.

"Don't worry about it. You looked tired as shit." Katsuki said, and okay, maybe he'd been a little tired. "Still hot, though, which is stupid. No one should allowed to be hot when they're sleeping."

And at this bleary, too-early hour on his day off, all Izuku could think about was how bad he wanted Katsuki to keep saying that, keep saying that.

Tell me I'm hot. Tell me I'm beautiful.

"Mm, and are you really allowed to tell me that this early...?" He grinned, hand running up to cup at Katsuki's chest and eliciting a soft no fair from his boyfriend. "C'mon, baby... we've still got some time, right?"

"You've barely been awake for a two minutes, and you're already horny again." Katsuki remarked, but did nothing to stop Izuku from idly folding his chest.

"Don't tell me you're any better." He murmured, thumbing over a nipple with one hand and tracing the outline of his boyfriend's hip with another. "Did you have anything else with your eggs? Maybe an extended trip to the bathroom?"

He wouldn't have asked if he'd thought he was wrong– and just like he'd anticipated, Katsuki huffed, mumbled something incomprehensible under his breath, and urged Izuku to keep his hand on his chest for a while and play.

"Say that again for me?" Izuku asked, squeezing his chest again. "Couldn't hear you the first time."

"Just... y'know." Katsuki stumbled, and a part of Izuku wondered if he was glad he was facing away right now. "Woke up. Morning wood. As it goes."

Ugh, god. He's so stupidly cute.

"Should've let me take care of it." He let go of his chest, fingertips trailing down to tease tender skin near Katsuki's stomach. "I don't want you having to use your hand if I'm around, baby."

His boyfriend near melted into his side at the touch, and quiet, so quiet came a soft sigh of yes, touch me. Touch me more, more, more...

I could stay here all day, just doing this.

And he would've stayed there if his stomach hadn't thought that now was the perfect time to let loose a long, low rumble and thus, send his boyfriend into a fit of laughter and a go get food, dumbass. Izuku couldn't object at that point, and soon enough, the two found themselves back in the kitchen, rummaging around for something to eat.

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