Chapter 28: BLAZE IT (with feelings)

Start from the beginning

He was eighteen, now. He was an adult. He was an incoming third-year at U.A. High, and he was Deku's goddamn boyfriend of nine whole-ass months.

Almost a year if you count when we first kissed.

It was too early for nervousness– too early for anxieties, for hesitations, for maybe we should wait a little longer? If it's not okay yet? But, fuck. This– if it happened, anyways– was something that they'd both been waiting for far, far too long. The onsen was as close as they'd gotten to anything legitimately sexual, and with that having been as amazing as it was?

God, what's it gonna be like when he actually touches my dick?

The rest of Katsuki's mid-morning hours were spent getting off in the shower, biting his hand hard enough so as to not to scream Deku's name in his parent's home, and hoping, hoping that it would be enough to keep him from getting too hard till they made it to his boyfriend's apartment.

Making it through this afternoon is not gonna be easy.

But it was only once Katsuki washed up and got dressed did he actually decide to check his messages. He hadn't looked all that carefully earlier, opting to instead try and get ready while he still could. But down, down near the bottom of the pile sat two missed calls and a voicemail from Deku.

Wait, was he trying to get ahold of me earlier?

Katsuki frowned, opened up the voicemail, and listened.

"...this on? O-Oh, okay. Hi! Ah, well, first off... happy birthday, Kacchan! Sorry if the calls woke you up at all, aha... but I, just um, wanted to let you know that... u-uh..."

The voicemail paused for a moment, and Katsuki could only imagine that Deku had stopped to breathe, to think.

"I-I promise I tried to get the whole day off– I really, really tried– but they went ahead and scheduled me till eight tonight because someone got injured on duty yesterday and they had to fill that spot today, and I couldn't... there wasn't anyone else remotely available."

Whatever boner Katsuki might've still had died in an instant.

"God, I'm so sorry, I didn't wanna delay tonight...! But I was thinking about some slight alternatives! Either I can bring in dinner, or we could try to find someplace to go out to, or if you really wanted we could just have a dessert? If that's okay? I wanna do what you're gonna be happiest with!"

On second thought, more time meant more time to prepare. Maybe a delay wouldn't be so bad after all.

"Oh, and Kacchan? Just, ah... one last thing."

His boyfriend's voice dipped a little lower, grew a little more serious.

"We should still definitely have time for—"

"Katsuki! It's noon. Hurry up and get your ass downstairs!"

He nearly snapped his phone in half right then and there, just as Deku was getting to the good part. Damn his mother's timing, just giving him another reason to be frustrated.

But we should still have time for... for that thing, Deku? That special thing?

"Katsuki Bakugou, get down here right now!"

"I'm coming, coming!" He barked, but didn't move right away. Instead, he pulled up the group chat he had with Camie, Yaoyorozu, and Todoroki, and filled them in on the situation, because while he was definitely going to be keeping his mouth shut about the details of what would be happening that night, Katsuki couldn't be expected to keep all of his excitement to himself. After one quick text, though, he flew downstairs before his mother had an excuse to start yapping again.

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