Chapter 27: The Center of an Explosion

Start from the beginning

It's been great talking to him again... actually being able to call, text, say good morning and goodnight and I love—

"So what was that thing about the practical exam you were asking about?" Todoroki interrupted, bringing his thoughts back to what was admittedly the more important topic at hand. His phone still had unread messages from Deku that he wanted to check, but even that had been bested by his exhaustion for the moment.

A little longer won't hurt. Gotta focus on this stuff first.

"Aizawa sent out a message that mentioned we'd have some pro heroes joining us for our final. Nothing more, nothing less." She said, and finally sat down on the floor with the rest of them. "I'm... not quite sure what that will mean for the exam. What situation we're going to be in. Or even who it is that will be here."

"Wait, wait." Katsuki said, suddenly much more awake. "You serious about this?"

"Oh, big surprise. You hear someone say Pro Heroes and all at once, you're alive." Camie drawled, and flicked him on the forehead. "Did Deku let you in on anything about this? Is your boy toy gonna be joining the party?"

"Quit calling him Deku. That's my name." He hissed, well aware that he was playing right into Camie's hands. "I haven't heard a thing. S'not like Deku's been here much anyways in the few times we've had heroes come and help out."

I miss seeing him at practice, but... I dunno. Maybe the distance has been good for us. Maybe the fact that he hasn't been watching me get beat up at practice is for the better.

"Well, why would he?" Todoroki commented. "He and everyone else should stay out on the field. With the massive spikes of crime we've been getting, how can we really afford to have a group of heroes come help out in a contained environment like U.A.?"

Yaoyorozu shrugged. "I mean, I'm sure they're going to arrange this with care. And even so, it is only for one day, and this is the only notice we and probably most other people have gotten. In all honesty, I don't believe that will be much of an issue."

"I'm with Momo." Katsuki concurred. "I'm just wondering what they're gonna have us do. Are we gonna be fighting heroes? I mean, it could work, but we'd probably have to do it in teams or something."

"Unless the hero was handicapped in some way." Yaoyorozu added. "But I almost feel like that would be too bland of a challenge for this exam, because it's our final... hm. I'm not sure what's going to happen, but I wouldn't be all that surprised if it wound up being more of a group than an individual thing."

"Guess we'll find out tomorrow. No use worrying about it until we know the details." Katsuki said, letting his eyes fall closed just as his phone buzzed in his pocket again.

Probably Deku.

"I'm gonna go upstairs. Nap for a bit." He decided instead, the urge to talk to his boyfriend stronger than the temptation to pass out on the floor. "Knock if you really need me, fuck off if you don't."

"Gonna go get off over the phone with your boyfriend?"

"For the last goddamn time, we have not had phone sex!"

"Not yet."

"Keep it down if you do." Todoroki muttered. "I want to sleep tonight."

"You're all unbelievable." Katsuki's face burned. "You know, maybe I just wanna talk to someone who doesn't spew this garbage to my face every second of the day."

There was some sort of hoot and holler from Camie as he stormed off, but his phone was in his hand before he even reached the stairs. His friends were the most wonderful assholes, yeah, but an asshole was still an asshole.

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