Basketball Game

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A/N: Originally written as a lesbian story, but feel free to change it for your perspective. Hope you enjoy!!! Fluff!


You sit down in the first row on the school bleachers and two of your friends sit next to you. "Excited?" you ask,

"definitely!" they say at the same time. Just as you are turning back to face forward, the players jog out onto the court. Music plays overhead and the two team captain's shake hands. You focus on one player in particular; your crush. You had liked her for over a year and couldn't take your mind off of her since you had first seen her. To you, she was beautiful. 

The game started and she shoots two baskets within the first few minutes. The crowd is ecstatic and is screaming it approval. By halftime, your team is up eight points. 

"Want to go buy something to eat?" One of your friend's asks. 

"Yeah sure!" You say and you friend leads the way out of the gym and over to the consetion stand. You wait while your friends buy water and chips and together, you head back to your seats. When you enter the gym again, you look out at the court, where the players are drinking water and talking among themselves. You are scanning the room when you see one of the players glance your way. Looking back at the player you see that it is them. When they see you looking, they smile before turning back to their teammates. 

The game starts back up again and your team is on fire, making baskets every other minute. You cheer with everyone else and follow the girl up and down the court as they fight for the ball. Finally, the buzzer sounds and everyone in the crowd wearing your school's colors stands up to cheer. The team comes up to the bleachers and looks up at the crowd smiling and high fiving people in celebration. 

Suddenly, you crush walls up to you through the crowd of other players to stand right in front of you. 

"Hey." she says, smiling up at you from the court. 

You blush slightly, "Hey." 

"I was just wondering if um," she looks down and chuckles softley, "if you wanted to go out sometime?" You look at them, a bit surprised. 

"Yes! Yeah, I'd love to." You blurt out, correcting your volume only after a moment. She smiles really big and chuckles again. You hand her your phone and she types in her number and hands it back to you. Butterflies spring into your stomach as she walks away, giving you a little wave. 

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