Feels Like Betrayal

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Request for rosepvzfan 

You looked at C/N across the classroom until you realized that you were staring. As the class drew to a close your heartbeat faster as you thought about what you were going to do. Your teacher dismissed you and you packed up your stuff quickly. Zipping up your backpack and slinging it on your back you follow C/N out of the classroom door.

"C/N" you call, "can I talk to you for a second?" They turn and nod."Yeah of course, what's up?" You usher him out of the crowd of people and over by a row of lockers. "Well, um," you stutter, trying to collect your thought. "I was just wondering if you would like to go out sometime?" C/N stands there for a moment, staring at you slightly shocked."I'm um, I'm sorry Y/N, but I um... I like someone else." They looked at you and you looked back at them for a moment before it sunk in. They had rejected you. "Oh um, that's totally fine, haha." you laughed. "I just thought that I would ask." And before they could say anything, you had taken off down the hallway towards your next class.

---time skip---

It had been more than a week since you had talked to C/N and you were still ignoring them. They had tried waving or smiling a couple of times in the hallway, but you didn't care.

You woke up one morning sleepy and wanting to go back to bed, but you pulled yourself out of bed and got ready for school. You brushed you hair, packed your bag, and had breakfast before grabbing your phone and leaving the house.

You arrived a school a couple of minutes early and were walking through the halls to your locker when you heard something from inside the boys locker room, which should have been empty since it was so early.

You slowly and quietly crept back to the locker room door and again heard a noise, a small giggle. Peeking into the small window on the door, you saw to your horror, that C/N had his arms around a girls waist and they were kissing, her letting out little giggles every once in a while.

Your eyes widenend and your mouth fell open as you watched her run her hand through C/N's hair and smile into the kiss. 

Finally not being able to take it anymore, you stormed out the door and got back in your car. You cried all the way home and when you got to your apartment, you locked yourself into your room, and ignored anyone that came to the door.

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