Headcanon - ♥️Harry Potter Characters♥️

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A/N: This is how I think the Harry Potter characters would kiss you.


Harry Potter:

- He would always be kind of awkward when kissing you at first but would warm up over time

- His kisses would usually be short and sweet but if he was really in the mood, they would be longer

- He loves to kiss you before his quidditch games for good luck

- He likes to kiss you on the lips but also likes shoulder kisses from behind

- Calls you his snitch and love

Ronald Weasley:

- He always wants to kiss you but is usually very scared to ASK if he can kiss you

- His kisses are kind of sloppy but are super sweet nonetheless

- Also kisses you before a game for luck

- Loves to kiss your neck and cheek

- Calls you love and muffin (anything food related honestly)

Hermione Granger: 

- Isn't always in the mood to kiss (she prefers to show her love in other ways) but her kisses are always adorable

- Kisses you before tests/quizzes/exams

- Likes to kiss your lips, cheek, and neck (when she comes up behind you)

- Calls you feather, love, lovely

Neville Longbottom:

- Is very shy especially at first so you usually have to start the kiss

- The kiss starts off really awkward but he gives really amazing and cute kisses

- Likes it simple so he likes to kiss you hand, cheek, and lips

- Calls you plant names (flower, daisy, tulip, etc)

Fred & George Weasley:

- They both LOVE to kiss you anytime, anywhere

- Usually their kisses are pretty passionate

- They will kiss you whenever but love to do it before a quidditch game

- They call you candy names or something like love, sweetheart, darling

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