Love you - ♥Hermione Granger♥

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A/N: Female reader 

You both are in your 6th year of Hogwarts (and the same age), and you have been dating for about a year.

P.S. All acts have consent


You and Hermione sat in the library studying like you did every week. She had drawn you a weekly study sheet for the end of the year exams, though they were still weeks away. As you sat together, your mind wasn't on your work, but thinking about the summer. You would have to go almost three months without seeing the love of your life, and you hated the thought of it.

Finally zoning back in on your parchment, you see Hermione watching you out of the corner of your eye. 

"What's up Mione?" you ask in a joking tone. She blushes lightly, but says (rather boldly for her), 

"Just enjoying the view."

You look up, surprised at what she had said. Hermione wasn't usually the one making cute comments like that, she usually showed you her love in other ways. You had always been the one to make a cute comment, or come up from behind to hug her, while Hermione's love language was more related to acts of service. 

You look up at her, to see her smiling. Then, seeing her embarrassed expression, you giggle. 

"You're adorable Mione," you say, still giggling. 

"Oh, shut up and study," she whispers, but she smiles as she says it with a smile. 


A/N: I really want to make another Hermione one because this was so short so let me know what you want me to make.

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