The Mall - Fluff

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Request for rosepvzfan 

A/N: Hope you guys like this imagine! As always, requests are open. 

C/N- crush's name (masc)


You and C/N walk in and out of stores as you shop for a homecoming dress. 

"Wow, this one is nice!" You exclaim, walking over to one hanging behind a couple of others. You hold it up to yourself in the mirror. "What do you think." 

"It's okay." He says, but he doesn't sound super excited. Then, as you are hanging the dress back up, it catches your eye. The perfect dress. Your mouth almost falls open at the sight of it. 

C/N looks in the direction you are intensely staring and smiles. 

"Now this," he says walking over to it and taking it off the rack, "is a beautiful dress." Your eyes open in shock. 

"You really think so?" 

"Definitely." He says satisfied, still smiling. Your face must light up at his words because he chuckles. "Go try it on." He says, "I want to see how it looks on you." You take it from him and walk over to one of the changing rooms. 

It is a bit of a challenge at the beginning, finding where to put your arms and head, but finally, you are in the dress. You walk out of the changing room and C/N looks at you. 

"Wow," he says, "it's beautiful. 

"Haha, you think so?" You ask. 

"Yeah, it's-it's amazing." You smile before turning your back to him. 

"Can you zip me up?" He walks over and gently pulls the zipper up, making the dress more comfortable. You sigh and look at yourself in the mirror. 

"Yeah," you say, "I think I'll get it." You change back out of the dress and pay for it at the register. "Where do you want to go next?" 

"How about the tuxedo store." He says smiling. "I was hoping to get one to match your dress." You look up at him, a million thoughts racing through your mind. 


"Yeah. I was actually wondering if you would go to homecoming with me?" He asks, hopefully. Your mouth actually does fall open this time. 

"Ye-yes! Of course!" You sputter. He smiles really big and takes your hand in his. The two of you walk through the mall for the rest of the day, shopping, laughing, and eating food from the food court. 


A/N: Hope you enjoyed this one! Requests are open in the comments. If you want to get in touch with me directly, just let me know. 

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