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A/N: So pretty much you get hit by a care while on your bike and have to go to the hospital. Your crush visits you there. 

C/N: Crush's name


You open the door of your fridge. "Aww, no milk," you sighed. Then checking the clock, you say, "I have the time to go and get some before work." Your car was in the shop that day for an oil change, so you decided to take your bike instead. 

You wheel it out of your small garage and hop on, not bothering to take your helmet. "It's only a couple blocks away" you thought to yourself. 

After almost a block, you hear a car horn behind you, making you jump slightly. You turn and see a car, driving very close to the bike lane that you were riding in, and apparently annoyed that you were on the road at all. You tried to ignore the driver and keep going, but at this point, the driver was riding your tail, leaving very little room between the both of you. You try and speed up a bit, but the driver closes the gap again easily. Finally, giving up, you attempt to pull over, but the driver does not slow down with you.

The car and your bike collide, causing you to fly off your bike. You hit your head on the pavement and black out.

----time skip----

You wake up in a hospital bed, with bandages around your head, torso and one of your legs. Groaning, you try to pull yourself into a sitting position, but immediately give up, due to the immense pain. Laying back down, you turn your head to face the left, and see (to your surprise) that C/N is sitting there, fast asleep in an armchair. 

"C/N" you whisper, trying to wake him up, but no success. Instead, you turn your head back to the ceiling and fall back asleep.

You wake up about an hour or so later to rustling beside you. Blinking your eyes open, you turn to the left again, and can see C/N stirring awake. 

"C/N" you whisper again, and this time, they respond.

"Y/N! Are you alright?" They say, sitting up and looking at you.

"Yeah, I'm okay, but what are you doing here?" 

"I'm um," they say, a little embarrassed, "I'm here for you, to make sure you're not like, dead or anything." They blush slightly, and you laugh.

"Thank yo-" but before you can finish, they lean forward and kiss you, softly, as if not to hurt you. You kiss them back, taken aback, but very (very) happy. The kiss lasts another moment before they pull back and you smile at them.

"I've wanted to do that for a while now," they say smiling.


A/N: New imagine coming soon

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