9. Still Him

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[ 9 ]

Soobin waited for his cab to arrive as scrolled through every social media app on his phone, knowing damn well he won't find anything interesting.

After the conversation with yeonjun the other three went home as soobin decided to stay for a little while.

He found a bench in the small children's playground right across the cafe he just spent hours in.

Soon he felt like going home but was too lazy to walk so he called a cab.

Soobin sighed as he shoved his phone into his pocket, it was a pretty much useless invention to him but everyone would be too triggered if he says his opinions aloud.

"excuse me"

Soobin turned his head to the feeble voice only to find out the call wasn't directed to him.

He saw a small, very familiar, almost six year old girl standing a little away from the entrance of the playground with the person he had just had a conversation with.

Soobin looked at the small cloud of fog that escaped his mouth as he breathed out.

It had been a month. A whole month without him and times seems to be passing very slowly.

"Ahjussi" he looked towards his right to see a little girl wearing a frown on his face.

"Excuse you I'm not that old" Soobin raised his brows. He had no idea how to deal with children so he just stayed quite.

"why are you crying?" she pointed at the small tear on soobin's face "my mom said it happens when you are really happy or really sad. So which one are you?"

Soobin chuckled, though he didn't find children weird, sometimes ugly and would definitely laugh if he sees one fall, this girl was really something else.

"would you believe me if I said both" soobin slightly changed his cold tone.

"I don't know" the girl's frown deepened as she thought of an answer "but it's your emotions so it shouldn't matter what anyone else believes"

Soobin chuckled again. Was a six year old really teaching him how to handle his emotions now?

"but don't cry, if you're sad then I'll play with you, and if you're happy them smile instead of crying" she smiled showing her half gone teeth.

Soobin almost laughed "well I was sad but talking to you made me happy"

Soobin wasn't one to sugarcoat his words. The girl truly did calm him a little and he wouldn't even mind seeing her again.

"Yes" soobin snapped out of his flashback when he heard yeonjun reply to the five year old girl who was now tugging on his sleeve

"Could you tie my shoelace for me" Yeonjun looked down and slightly chuckled at the pouting girl.

"Of course I can, but what do I get in return" yeonjun bent down to meet her level

"I have this candy" the girl took out a piece of candy from her pocket, which covered her entire tiny hand.

Yeonjun chuckled again "don't worry you can kept it, tying shoelaces is very easy"

"is it as easy as eating this candy?" she pointed at the candy in her hand again

Yeonjun smiled at how adorable she was "almost, want me to teach you?"

The girl nodded eagerly, her pout finally disappearing completely.

Yeonjun bent towards her shoes and started tying up her laces, slowly and teaching here how it's done, even though he knew she wouldn't get it so easily.

"there, all done"

"Thank you"

"Now whats your name"


"where's your mom, nahee"

"she went to buy something from there, she told me to stay inside the playground"

"you shouldn't do that okay. When your mom tells you to do something you're supposed to listen to her or else she'll be worried about you"

"let's go find her and tell her you're sorry okay"

Dayum nods again, smiling brightly at the nice man in front of him.

Yeonjun grabs her hand to take her back to the playground when he hears someone call her name "NAHEE"

"momma" nahee let's go of yeonjun's hand and runs towards her mother with yeonjun following close behind.

Her mother thanks him and asks nahee to do the same but she immediately jumps on yeonjun and hugs him.

Yeonjun chuckles and hugs her back. Soobin smiles at the scene in front of him.

"Yup its still the same yeonjun"

Soobin was busy staring at yeonjun when he noticed a figure in the corner of his eye.

Soobin felt something off about it, his instincts were yelling at him to go and kill him but he couldn't in front of so many people

Soobin was about to walk towards the suspicious figure when the person turned their head towards soobin.

red eyes.

Soobin froze for a second not knowing what to do. The vampire smirked before disappearing into thin air.


New character, now wait for another 100 years for the next chapter.
I changed her name cause I didn't like the previous one and I had a little inspiration from night has come.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30 ⏰

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