8. Talking

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Soobin walked his way to the cafe he and his friends ahad planned to meet in a few days ago.

Ever since they had their encounter in the bar the four had been meeting up often, catching up on their lives.

After yeonjun's death they had all drifted apart.

Kai had moved away when sunghoon asked him to come along with him to the Philippines. He had decided to settle their for a while.

Beomgyu's mother died shortly after yeonjun. Her death took a toll on him and of course taehyun was there to support his friend and help him recover.

Taehyun took the rest to meet his family a few times, but he still liked to keep a lot of things to himself and the others respected it.

Kai often came back to visit these two and he even called soobin everytime he came but soobin had distanced himself from the rest.

His life was pretty much as dull as it used to be before he had met yeonjun for the first time.

He was traumatized by the memories this town held but at the same time refused to leave and go to a place that didn't remind him fo his lover.

But seeing yeonjun and meeting his friends again made him realise that he's only ruining his own life.

He's never gonna die anyway, he can't live his whole thinking about something that was bound to happen either way.

He opened the door and stepped inside to walk over to the others who were already there

"well aren't you early" beomgyu complained

"I'm a busy person" soobin settled down

"never knew you were a good liar" taehyun sassed.

Soobin rolled his eyes as kai's loud laugh echoed through the place. They got busy in their bickering and hours went by and they ate.

Soobin's eyes moved to the door when he heard the ring of the bell.

A black haired male walked in, bangs falling in front of his eyes, the sleeves of the jacket covering his tiny hands, with a laptop in hand and a backpack behind him.

Soobin didn't know how long he was staring until he heard beomgyu.

"go talk to him"

"what? No that's so weird"

"it's not, it's just a friendly little conversation with a guy of wanting to know him better" Kai suggests

"make a move that's how things work these days" soobin is shocked at taehyun agreeing with the other two for once

"yeah just talk" beomgyu speaks again.

Talking. That can't be too hard right? Just walk over and talk. Except soobin hasn't had one human, or even non-human interaction within the past 100 years.

But nothing can be done now, because soobin's legs don't seem to be listening to him and he's already walking over to yeonjun.

"may I sit here" soobin points at the seat in front of the boy who looks up shocked.

It takes a second for yeonjun to process soobin's words and looks around the place clearly in hopes of finding and empty table for soobin to sit at.

But when he doesn't find a single empty seat anywhere, including the one soobin's friends had subtly hid behind them, he gives up and lets soobin sit with him.

"I'm soobin" he said after a long pause.

When he got no response, he tried again thinking the other hand heard him before "I'm soobin"

Yeonjun finally looked up and slightly smiled "I heard the first time"

Soobin frowned a little at that response "then why didn't you reply?"

"I just didn't feel the need to"

Soobin could definitely picture his friends behind him, trying their best to control their laughter as he got brutally rejected.

But he's here already, so he's not gonna stop trying "would you-"

"sorry I'm just trying to do something here" yeonjun pointed at his laptop "I would really appreciate if you stop trying to talk to me"

Soobin wanted to be mad, or even just sad, but the small pleading smile on yeonjun's face told him the latter really felt the need to be alone.

So he just nodded and walked out of the cafe with his friends walking behind him as he heard kai's voice saying "are you guys sure that's yeonjun"

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