4. Unpredictable And Suicidal

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Soobin regretted deciding to come out at this hour, luck is never on his side is it.

About a few minutes ago he had started to drive around the town, the perfect time for him to come was this to avoid any kind of people which he had been doing before he had met yeonjun.

Then he started daydreaming about his past lover again, until he saw small droplets fall on his windscreen.

He didn't think it was a big deal and that the rain would go away in a little while but now it was heavier than ever and he had been trying to drive carefully through the street in case someone suddenly decides to run in front of his car.

Human are unpredictable and extremely suicidal. Technically yeonjun death was also a suicide. Nah this is not going in the right direction.

Speaking of which, He can't seem to get his mind off of the guy these days, he has only seen him once and the boy has already taken over his mind.

But he needs to be subtle about it he can't possibly walk up to the guy and be like 'hey i was your boyfriend about a hundred years ago and you died saving me'

Soobin was deep in his thoughts on how to confront his supposed ex lover when a figure came running in front of his car making him harshly step on the brakes.

Just as he had fucking thought. I'm telling you it's his vampir-y sixth sense.

He got out of the car and slammed the door ready to give the fallen man a piece of his mind, not caring about the heavy rain.

"Dude are you fucking insane who the fuck runs on a road like that I could've killed you."

The man on the ground instantly flinched at the sudden harsh yelling. "I-I'm sorry"

Soobin's eyes softened at the familiar whisper coming from the boy sitting in front of his car as the headlights illuminated his face.

Soobin carefully examined his features, exactly the same, he could tell even when the rain was making it hard to see.

Soobin noticed the boy had started blinking slowly indicating he was slowly losing consciousness.

This worried soobin, thinking he hit yeonjun with his car.

"waoh" Soobin ran towards him and caught him before his head could collide with the ground.

He examined his face and head. There didn't seem to be any injuries. If there were any the blood would've spread everywhere because of the rain.

What he did notice was some small cuts and bruises on his face which he couldn't have gotten from being hit a car, which soobin was sure never happened.

He is confident that he stopped the car before anything could have happened.

Suddenly he heard loud footstep from across the road. He look up and saw 4 figures standing, not to far from him.

He slowly grasped the situation as he exchanged glances between the men and the drenched boy in his arms.

Soobin glared at the men, even though he knew they couldn't see his face properly.

"Come on let's go" the men scurried off. Great idea i tell you because you don't wanna know what would happen if you decided to stick around for another few minutes.

After making sure the men were completely gone, soobin grabbed yeonjun to bring him to his car and drove off.

With(out) You - C.YJ + C.SB :: [ You And I ]Where stories live. Discover now