5. Saviour

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[ 5 ]

"He's fine, I don't see any major injuries, probably fainted from shock." The nurse said while wrapping up her stuff.

Soobin's eyes followed her movement as she fixed somethings around yeonjun's bed.

"He can spend the night here but if you want he's good to go home as well." Soobin nodded thinking its best to let him stay at the hospital because he doesn't know where the other lives.

Once the nurse leaves the room, soobin let's out a breath. He slowly walks closer towards one side of yeonjun's bed.

He stares at his face, every glance bringing back memories that he had locked in some part of his head.

Soobin squint his eyes shut. He can't. He can't break any more of the promises he made to yeonjun, he won't blame himself.

Soobin opens his eyes again to stare at the same face he had been missing for  the past 100 years.

He slowly brings his hand to yeonjun's face and pushes out the hair covering his forehead, almost gritting his teeth when his eyes landed on the small bruises on the latter's face.

He chuckles bitterly as he runs his hand through the soft strands of yeonjun's hair,automatically getting comfortable at the familiar feeling.

He almost smiles, until he realises and brings his hand back to himself. He can't scare him away before even getting a chance to introduce himself.

[ § ]

Yeonjun shuffled on the bed, almost frowning in confusion as to when has his bed been this soft and comfortable.

Maybe he's too sleepy that he has even started dreaming about a nice mattress.

He opens his eyes for a second to fix the covers but once he opens them for a tiny peak he immediately gets up to scan his surroundings.

When and how did he end up in a hospital.

He quickly got out of bed as last night's incident slowly came back to him.

He remembers what happened but that still doesn't explain who brought him here.

"Dude are you fucking insane who the fuck runs on a road like that I could've killed you."

"fuck" well now he remembers everything.

"did he carry me hear? No he had a car that's a stupid question. But why did I have to pass out that was so embarrassing"

He quickly got out of bed and left the room after checking the room number.

"Excuse me" he called out to the receptionist as his eyes traveled across the name tag "shin yuna"

"yes" she replied.

"I spent last night in room 109 um..." yeonjun gulped before continuing "about the... the bill"

Yuna started looking the computer lying in front of her "oh the bill has already been paid sir"

Yeonjun was shocked. Not only did the guy bring him to a hospital but also paid the bill.

Yeonjun couldn't be more thankful to him. He doesn't think the stranger knows how much he had helped yeonjun by doing this.

"Thank you" yeonjun blinked before turning around to leave the place with a small smile on his face.


I was way too lazy to proof read

With(out) You - C.YJ + C.SB :: [ You And I ]Where stories live. Discover now