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Soobin sat in his apartment, eyes closed, head laying comfortably on his lovers lap and the other played with his hair.

It was soothing to him, the comfort yeonjun's touch brings to him doesn't compare to anything.

He has never felt more at peace than he does with yeonjun.

"hey bin"


"what would you do if I die"

Soobin's eyes snapped opened as he sat up, the mere thought of losing yeonjun sending shivers down his spine.

"what kind of a question is that?"

"I'm just asking" yeonjun chuckled at the reaction as he brought soobin hands to his lap and started playing with it "I'm gonna have to leave you one day, eventually"

Soobin's eyes followed yeonjun's hand movements as he sighed.

Of course he had thought of this before but he decided to ignore it and enjoy the time he has with the person he loves.

But he never expected yeonjun to bring it up in front of him.

Now that the question was asked he wondered 'what would he do?'

"well I'd be sad" soobin took yeonjun's hand and intertwined their fingers "I wouldn't be able to believe it, huge probability I'll blame myself for not being able to protect you"

He slowly caressed the others hand with his thumb "I'd feel super guilty, if something like that happens to me again, I'd wish I could kill myself" soobin chuckled trying not to sound too emotional.

He looked up to meet yeonjun's worried eyes.

"promise me" yeonjun spoke up "promise me you won't blame yourself if anything ever happens to me"


"no just listen to me, bin, you have to promise" yeonjun looked at him with a slight frown.

"okay okay I promise" soobin chuckled as he held yeonjun hands together "but you don't have to worry about that because I'm not gonna let anything happen to you and we'll be together for a long long time"

Yeonjun moved his hands away, confusing soobin but then held out his pinky towards the other "pinky promise"

Soobin chuckled before joining his pinky with yeonjun's.

"I love you" yeonjun said.

"I love you more" soobin booped his nose making the other giggle.

They laid down on soobin's bed, finding comfort in each other's embrace to go to sleep.

But of course the two lovers forgot that all promises are meant to be broken.

With(out) You - C.YJ + C.SB :: [ You And I ]Where stories live. Discover now