Red piece of clothing

396 12 23

Tw: mention of self harm and death.


"Hey, uhhh... i just. I wanted to check in with you... you know. *sigh* it's uh... it's been a couple days since i last... saw you. I uhm... i just wanted to check in. Call me. Alright?"


It was probably the fourth time Eda played the message. Raine had called. A lot. She just hadn't answered...

Ugh... it's okay. They're okay. I'll just answer later... she thought laying on her bed. The door was open and she could hear the cracking of the fireplace. It sounded cozy.

"I'm going to answer them..." she said silently. It had been 5 days since the car accident. Eda hadn't answered Raines calls ONCE. It wasn't like she didn't want to... she just couldn't. She sighed and closed her eyes, but just then her phone vibrated. She held her breath and slowly opened her eyes, turning her head and picking up her phone from the sheets. She looked at it hoping it was Raine... but on the other hand. When she looked at the phone screen she groaned because she knew she had to pick up. It was her sister... for the third time today.

"Hey Lily" she said, already bored of the conversation.

"You could have hurried picking up the phone!" Said Lilith. Eda rolled her eyes.

"Sorry i was in the kitchen and my phone was in my room" she said -lying her ass of-.

"Well, i guess it's okay" her sister answered. There was silence for a couple of seconds, and Eda was beginning to wonder what Lilith had called her for.

"Soo... how have you been? I mean i don't wanna-" said Lilith but Eda cut her of.

"UGH! Jesus! I already said: i am fine!" She said getting angry with her sister. She was now sitting up straight in her bed.

"Actually. I am MORE than fine! I am probably the most okay person in this town!" She said. There was silence again and she thought about what she had just said. It sounded like something you would read in an awkward cliché romance.


"I'm sorry i just" she started but she hadn't thought about what she was actually going to say.

"I know, but i think you should call Raine... they're really worried about you" said her sister sending Eda right back into her anger.

"Bye Lily!" She said and hung up. She flung her phone away and fell onto the bed again.

"Ugghh! She is impossible" Eda said burying herself in her blanket.

Maybe i was a little harsh... she thought after taking a deep breath.

I have to get up. Just get up. GET UP! She thought, but it was genuinely hard. It was like her body and mind didn't want to work together anymore. Like they had gotten a divorce and never wanted to talk to each other. Ever. She sighed and got up. She slipped into her fluffy bunny slippers and walked into the living room. The fire place had gone out and it was cold. It wasn't freezing but after she had been under her warm, cozy, soft, blanket... it was cold! She looked over to the couch for a blanket but there was a hoodie.

"Hm that's almost better" she said and grabbed it. It smelled really nice... it smelled familiar.

IT'S RAINES! She thought and her eyes widened. They had never been over to get it. She stood there holding it contemplating if she should call Raine and ask them to come and get it, or if she should just put it down again.

Could wear it... she thought, and she couldn't help but smile.

"Ugh, damn it Rainestorm!" She said chuckling and put on the hoodie. It was nice and warm. Very soft, and of course whine red. One of the colours they wear a lot. It smelled nice. The smell of their cologne smelled like home... she felt a tightness on the top of her nose -the space right between her eyes-. She walked back into her room and grabbed her phone. She thought about one more time before pressing call. She now felt tears in her eyes.

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