A broken heart and a broken hand

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Eda hadn't been able to drive after pulling over. All she could do was call Lilith and ask her to pick her up from the side of the road. The side of the road. Once Lilith had picked her up and they were on the road again... on the way to the hospital. She felt empty. There was nothing. There was fear now and then, but other then that she felt empty.

"Hey. They're gonna be okay" Lilith had said. While hugging Eda. But why was that so hard to believe? Eda knew why... because what if.

What if they weren't okay? What if they were badly injured? What if they were paralysed? What if they were... what if they were dead. At those thoughts she could feel tears streaming down her face again, but she didn't care to wipe them of. She didn't have the energy.

They're okay. She thought. Trying to convince herself.

Lilith had never seen her sister like this. All the way to the hospital she had been starring out of the window. Not saying a word. Not even once had she looked over. The tears kept rolling down her cheeks. But there was no sound coming out of her. She didn't even wipe them away. Normally her sister would have hid that she was hurt... or affected by the situation. That's what she did as a kid, and she still did it. But not today. It had felt like sitting next to a ghost the whole way. when lilith had taken her hand chills shot up her arm. Eda's hand was cold. Very cold.

When they finally got to the hospital lilith got out of the car and started walking towards the doors. When she reached them she turned around just to see Eda still sitting in the car. She walked back and opened up her door. She looked at her sister. Waiting for her to say something, and to her surprise she did:

"Lily..." Eda said still sitting in the car.

"Yes?" Lilith asked, waiting for her sister to finish her sentence.

"What if.... What if they don't make it." Eda said, struggling not to choke on her own words.

"They WILL make it! It's probably not even that serious" lilith said

"Right, right...." Eda responded. She took a deep breath and they both walked through the hospital doors. As soon as they stepped in a smell shot through their noses. It was that certain smell every hospital has. As they were walking up to the reception Eda was getting more and more uncomfortable.

It's okay. I'm okay. They are going to be okay. I-i'm- i'm fine. She thought. As lilith was about to approach the nurse behind the desk Eda stopped. Lilith turned to her and asked:

"Hey. What are you- what?" She said. Eda just shook her head.

"I can't- i can't- lily i can't do this." She said.

"Yes you can Edalyn. Let's go" she said and took her hand.

"NO! I an not going in!" Eda shouted. Lilith let her hand go now shocked at her sisters reaction.

"I- i'm sorry. But i can't. I can't be here." She said and turned around but she hadn't even taken more then one step before rambling into someone.

"EDA!" They said and she looked up.

What the hell! She thought.

"RAINE!? What the hell! I was told you were in a car accident!" She said not believing they were standing in front of her.

"Well i was. but i got lucky. I'm fine! i just have a broken finger." They said.

"JUST HAVE A BROKEN FINGER!" She shouted leaving both Raine and Lilith with a shocked look on their faces.

"Well i-" Raine started but then saw tears rolling down Eda's cheeks.

"You scared the hell out of me!" She said falling into their arms. Raine embraced her with both arms still shocked over the reaction.

"I thought you were dead!" She cried and Raine couldn't do anything else then just sit them both down right there in the middle of the hospital floor.

"I'm okay, I'm okay. I'm right here" they said and stroked her hair with the hand that wasn't broken. Breathing her in. Eda was doing exactly the same. She could still smell their cologne. Also sweat, but she didn't care. They were alive sitting right here with her on the floor. The floor.

Oh god dammit. She thought. They were sitting in the middle of the hospital floor.

"I'm sorry i don't need to keep sitting here! You're probably uncomfortable i-" she said but Raine cut her of.

"It's okay Eda. I'm here. And we will sit here until your heartbeat is back to a normal pace." They said chuckling. Eda cuddled in tighter. She was also very sure it must have looked ridiculous. But Raine was okay. They were okay and sitting here with her. On the hospital floor. With their cologne, and soft sweater stroking her hair.

Hey. See i'm not a bad person! No worry's they're good... for now👀 hope you are enjoying. I really love writing this hope you enjoy reading it just as much<3

Just another moment in time|| RaedaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon