Grocery shopping.

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Tw: mention of car accidents and anxiety

Yesterday was nice. Very nice. Waking up seeing Raine, the smell of their cologne, the bike ride, the hot chocolates... it had been perfect. Nothing could describe it better! Except maybe: lovely, amazing.

Yup. Always comes back to amazing. Thought Eda. But today was a different day. One of those were you just want to jump right back into bed! One of those were you can feel that something is going to go wrong, but you're not quite sure what, so you think that sleeping it of will help. But no sleeping could've helped today...

Eda was driving down town in her little red kia to get some groceries. After what happened with Raine -the realising there was nothing in the fridge- she had to buy some food. At least the essentials... when she reached the grocery store she drove to the parking lot trying to find a spot. None. There was none.

"How are there so many people awake and shopping" she said to herself. She drove out of the parking lot again and tried looking for a close spot. A legal one. Of course! She looked more intensely the further she got away from the store.

There! She thought as she spotted a free place. She drove in, parked perfectly and got out of her car. As she was fumbling around with her keys she thought.

Maybe it won't be that bad of a day?! She was walking back to the store while finding her wireless headphones. Her purse was a mess! Still countless crumbled up receipts from the last several months, some gum packs, a red chapstick?!

Ugh! She thought, but right then she found the headphones. She connected them and opened Spotify. If she had to go shopping, she was going to listen to her favourite playlist.

Music makes every day better. She thought and walked the entrance of the store. She grabbed a basket and walked in, it had been a long time since she had been down here!

"Okay!" She whispered to herself -hoping that others couldn't hear her-

"Let's do this" she walked over to the bread isle and looked for some decent bread.

Meh, ehhh, yeah why not. She thought and grabbed some classic white toast. After getting the bread she walked over to get some fruit...

Maybe just some apples... uh and pears! People have pears. Right?! She thought. She wanted to call Raine. They always had a stocked up fridge and knew which products were good and which weren't. But no they were driving to work. Teaching some kid to play the violin. She ended up just grabbing 3 apples and 3 pears. When she had been through the whole store and had everything normal people would expect to see in a fridge -and snacks....- she was now looking at the Christmas section. There was still a whole month till December, but it was nice.

A cozy mood. She agreed with herself. She was just about to walk to the cash register when her phone vibrated.

"Oh!?" She said, as she wasn't expecting anyone to call. To her surprise it was Raine!

Uhhhhh! She thought just starring at her phone for a good second before snapping out of her trance, and picking up.

"Hello?" Someone said from the other side of the line... but it wasn't Raine. It was a female.

"Uhmm yes?" Eda answered.

"Who is this?" She asked. There was a lot going on i the background and...

Where those sirens?! Eda thought.

"Yes! My name is Dr. okamaya, we found you in your friends emergency contacts!" She said.

Dr? Emergency contacts? What is going on?! Is this a joke?! Eda thought before just answering:


"We need you to come to Coelen Hospital! Your friend has been in a car accident"...

She had heard the words, an they kept spinning around her brain. Almost as if they were trying to mock her. Just before she hung up she said.

"Yes. Of course" she broke down feeling the panic. The cold rush from her head down to her back. She could feel her heart beating faster and faster.

No! No! No! She thought.

She couldn't move.

No. Just... No.

Hey! Don't we all love cliff hangers! Sorry ik i promised a long chapter like two parts ago. And you will get it!!! I just needed to figure out.... How. I hope you enjoyed and sorry!

Just another moment in time|| RaedaWhere stories live. Discover now