Hot chocolate and sunshine

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The sun was starting to come out just as the two friends walked out of the door. Eda locked the door and turned to Raine.

"So do you wanna walk or should we take the bikes?" Eda asked.

"Uhm... let's take the bikes!" Raine said and walked over to their bike. Eda went to her little garage, and unlocked her bike... the two didn't talk while strolling to the city. But it wasn't needed. It was a very peaceful morning. It wasn't warm, but it wasn't exactly cold either. The sun warmed just enough for them not to freeze. There were no birds at this time of the year, but the morning still had a beautiful sound to it. Eda couldn't stop smiling. It was just

Perfect! she thought, while taking in the fresh morning air. Raine couldn't help looking at herz. She looked so...

Happy. Truly happy. They thought and quickly looked away before she could get a chance to notice. Normally they would be in their bed listening to their morning playlist. But this was, this was better. Although Raine wasn't a morning person, they were genuinely happy that they had woken up with Eda so early. Eda was enjoying every second of their time together. It was a perfect day.

When they reached town, it was still early but they had expected more people then what they saw.

"So now to which cafe?" Eda asked and Raine looked to their side.

Hmm.. what cafe? What cafe? What cafe? They thought before answering.

"What about... cafe Lyrico?" Raine suggested.

"That's the cafe with the great music? Right?!" Eda said smiling at Raine.

"Yep!" Raine said and blushed... it had been a while since they told her about it.

She remembered... they thought and smiled softly.

"Okay then! Show me the way." Eda said kindly, and Raine complied. They rode for a while past all kinds of shops Eda didn't even know existed in their town; a tea shop, some kind of "fashion" brand(if you could even call that fashion... and a lot of restaurants. They came to a hold at the cafe Raine had picked and got of their bikes.

"Here we are" Raine said while making jazz hands. Eda let out a snort and the both of them stood there laughing till their stomachs cramped. Raine took a deep breath and took Eda's hand. They both blushed but Raine didn't let go. They walked inside and got seated at a table. Eda couldn't help but notice it was a very beautiful place! Wooden tables, plants all over, one dark green wall and some single pieces of dark oak on the black-grey walls. The music was nice and it matched the vibe if the rest of the cafe. Soft jazz.

Of course Raine loves coming here. She thought while looking around. A caterer came to their table and gave them two menus.

"Thank you" said Raine, and smiled.

How can one person be so perfect?! Eda thought while looking at Raine. They were looking at the drinks, while moving their lips. They always did that while reading. Eda was almost like in a trance until Raine looked up, straight into her eyes. She blushed and quickly hid behind the menu cart. Raine just chuckled.

"So what are you getting?" Eda asked.

"I think i'm just gonna take a hot chocolate" Raine said still grinning over Eda's behaviour.

"Okay" she said smiling, and put down the menu. Raine looked confused, but didn't have time to ask what she was getting before their caterer came back.

"What can i get the two of you?" She asked, and before Raine could answer Eda had said:

"Two hot chocolates please" and smiled. Raine blushed and looked down. The caterer walked away and the two started talking. They talked for hours, and kept ordering hot chocolates. And both of them couldn't have been happier that they'd woken up together.

Hey. It's been 3 days so i knew i had to update! I try updating every second day but... SCHOOL. I hope you're enjoying so far. And thank you for taking the time to read this. Because i REALLY enjoy writing it.

Just another moment in time|| RaedaМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя