Breathing gets harder when you're not here.

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No... she thought. She had fallen to her knees, but she couldn't move.

No. She thought she was starring at the dirty floor of the shop, and the only thing she could do was think:

No! That's when someone tapped her on the shoulder. She looked up. It was a woman with grey hair and blue eyes.

"Hey sweetie. Are you okay?" She asked and Eda snapped out of her shock.

"Yeah. Yes of course! I just-" she could feel the tears streaming again, but she didn't bother wiping them off.

"I just have to go..." she said and smiled softly at the lady. When she turned away from her she saw how many people had been starring at her. She bowed her head down slightly and walked out. Fast. She had forgotten to take the basket with her. And where was her key. She checked her pockets. There.

"What is happening!?" She asked herself, of course already knowing the answer.

"Raine was in a car accident." She said through tears.

"And now you have to get to the hospital!" She said harshly. She started the car and drove away from the shop.

They're okay. They are okay! She thought trying desperately to convince herself. Suddenly her phone rang.

Ughhh, no! She thought but put it on speaker.

"Heyyy lily" she said with a shaky voice.

"...Eda. Are you okay?" Lilith asked.

"Yeah i'm fine" she said laughing and crying.

"I'm just on the way to the hospital becau-" she said before getting cut of by her sister.

" WHAT! What happened to you!?" She asked panicked.

"Don't worry it's not me" she said. She could feel that she was shaking.

"It's Raine" she cried out.

"Lily i can't loose them! Please!" Eda said not really knowing who she was begging to.

"I'll be there." Her sister said and hung up.

"Okay she- she'll be there!" Eda repeated to herself. She was still crying.

"No. No. No no no no NO!" She said.

"I can not! I will not loose them!" She said, almost commanding it.

"They can't die" she said. And that's when she had to pull over. She was crying so it hurt. Everything hurt.

"I can't breathe" she said, and she knew what this was. She was having a panic attack.

"No no no. I don't have time!" She screamed. She couldn't breathe. That made the crying harder.

"Please say this is a bad dream" she cried out.



Hey so this is the shortest one yet. And I'm sorry! Don't kill me!

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