2. His concern

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" If I knew that they would cut off the electricity without any warning, I would have paid the bills earlier, Seojun."

" It's fine Yoongi, you can live here as much as you want." Seojun, a tall guy with dragon eyes, wearing grey trousers and tee, walks out of the kitchen and wipes off his hand with the handkerchief.

" Aandddd i love staying with Jaehyun-ie, right my boy?!!" He then adds and glances at the little boy sitting on the couch who's doing doodles or something like that in his drawing book.

Jaehyun nods without even looking up since he's busy in his own world.

" He wanted to have a night out with me but.. then this unexpected or maybe expected incident happened" Yoongi sighs, continuing chopping vegetables for dinner.

Probably, he knew that not paying bills will lead them to go through harship in the middle of the night but he's glad that his friend is there for him.

" Don't worry, your son understands your situation… By the way you seem so tired, aren't you getting enough rest?" His friend asks, concerned and turns on the Television.

Before Yoongi can reply, the news broadcasted on the TV takes their attention.

" The president and the owner of the Elysian, Y/L/N Y/N, was trapped in the elevator of her own company but opposing the whole matter, she admitted that these were all rumours spread by some anti-social elements. However, the media is still-" The journalist carries on her reporting while..

Seojun's hands tremble as he quickly tries to find his mobile and, not understanding the sudden panic of his, Yoongi asks him, " What's wrong?"

" Gosh- where's my mobile?" He shouts and throws the pillows from the couch on the ground.

" Here,"  while pouting, Jaehyun reaches his palm out with a mobile in it.

" Why do you have my phone?" Seojun asks and takes the mobile.

" Did you forget? You gave me this to draw a tiger from it some time ago" Jaehyun frowns and crosses his tiny arms in front of his chest

Who knows whether Seojun paid any attention to his explanation because he's busy dialling your number as if you're going to pick it up right now.

He rubs his temple in frustration and calls at your company just to know that you left for home minutes ago.

Taking the keys of the car, he bolts to the front door and puts on his shoes
" I'll be back in few hours."

Before Yoongi can process he dashes out of the apartment, almost banging the door with a loud thud behind.

" What's wrong with your friend, Appa?" Jaehyun asks and his father stares at the front door as if Seojun is still standing there, " I, too, wonder"

He has known Seojun for the last three years and this is maybe the second time he has seen him getting immensely tensed.

The first time was when he got a call from someone. Yoongi even asked him about it but Seojun preferred to keep that to himself.

Seojun's kindness has motivated him to keep going. Yoongi had met Seojun for the first time when his son was severely ill and he needed to him to the hospital as soon as possible.

But due to heavy rainfall, mostly all the transportation facilities were closed.

That time, Seojun was shutting off his garage and he saw Yoongi struggling to get a taxi so that he could reach to the hospital before something happens to Jaehyun.

Seojun had taken him to the hospital and even he paid half of the medical bills.

Indirectly, Seojun was like a saviour of his son and that's why Yoongi couldn't help himself but to be grateful to this man.

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