8. The guilt

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" Y/N, Ji-hye told me what happened yesterday to you. That car must have been sent by that attacker." Mrs. Kim says, placing a glass of orange juice beside your food plate.

You're having your breakfast with Ji-hye and since it's Saturday, means, the weekend,
Mrs. Kim has called her to stay over at your place.

Ji-hye avoids your strong gaze.

" Don't worry. I'm okay" You reply and stuff your mouth with the food so that you don't have to answer her questions

However, nothing can stop Mrs. Kim as she continues, " Your new secretary seems a nice man"

After gulping down the food, you say, " But you don't know how much he tries to be savage around me. And his attitude, ugh, so irritating"

Mrs. Kim's laughter confuses you, as with furrowed brows, you look at her, " What's so funny?"

And in just a second, Ji-hye also starts to laugh out loud when Mrs. Kim says, " You're complaining as if you're the most decent person on this planet"

Pursuing your lips into a thin line, you stare at them with a boring expression, " I'm serving the people what they deserve. That's it"

Controlling her giggles back, Ji-hye speaks,
" T..That... driving l-licence... incident was so- hilarious. I-it was so d-difficult for me to not to l-laugh when he s...started defining t-the l...level one ..d-driver's licence to... you"

" Aish. Can we talk about something else?" You try to hold back your childish whines because you're not used to getting laughed at and upon that, the reason behind that, is a mere secretary's savageness.

" Oh- oh yes, I...f-forgot to t-tell you ....that the H-Henion's ....manager has c-contacted our a..animation team ...for the shooting purpose. W-We need to remake t-the schedule" Ji-hye informs and you nod, understanding her point, " Let's discuss this with Mr. Min when we reach the company"

After finishing the breakfast, you two leave for work and Mrs. Kim decides to wash the dishes.

When you and Ji-hye arrive at the Elysian, one from the reception team comes up to you with a letter from a Japanese animation company.

You take the letter and make your way to your office and Ji-hye strides beside you.

Realising that Yoongi is already in his cabin, you call him to your office so that he can hand over the schedule to Ji-hye.

Once he rushes inside the office, you ask,
" If the schedule is ready please explain it to Ji-hye."

He nods and after sending a copy of schedule to the animation team, he says, " The actors from Henion will arrive by noon and as the deadline is near, Ms. Sunghee informed that we can continue shooting for one month continuously"

" T- Thank you...s-so much, M-Mr. Min" She bows and before she can leave, you speak up,
" Ji-hye, We've received another collaboration offer from a Japanese animation company... check it out when you get free, okay?"

Her eyes sparkle as she instantly nods,
" F-For s..sure! You.. know how m-much I l-love Japanese.. animations"

You smile, " Ofcourse and i also remember how much you cried when you got an award for your work from that Japanese organisation"

" Aaa ....p-please don't ...m-mention that" she stares down at her feet and Yoongi chuckles, " Well, your work really deserves that attention"

Grinning, she looks up, " T-Thank you"

" By the way, Mr. Min, did you like your new apartment?" You ask, gazing over at him from your computer

" Yea. but you know, I'm happier because Jaehyun loved it."

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