9. Her Dreams and Tears

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" Stop the car, Y/N" Seojun orders and you abruptly pull your car over, on the Yongsan bridge of Han river.

" Come out" He again states and you clench the steering wheel tightly to calm your nerves down.

After climbing down from the car, he slams the door behind and your anger rises.

" What the fuck is this behaviour, Seojun?" You yell and hop out of the car.

" That's what I want to ask you. Why are you behaving so rudely to my friend? You've become so insensitive, Y/N… just like your father" he states the reality and you find it hard to form even a word to say in response.

Your father was strict in nature and didn't show his emotions generally. Seojun's father once asked for financial help from your father but he refused and offered him a better job instead since he wanted Seojun's father to work on his own and make his own money. Maybe they're still bottling up that incident.

" Why did you insult Yoongi? Did he do something to you? No, right? Then why can't you just show some mercy on others.. they're not your slaves but humans so you better learn to treat them well. You invite problems on your own and then blame it on others.. maybe that's the reason why people are behind to kill you."

It's rare for Seojun to shout at you and since he's the only one left close to you after your brother, you feel that heart-wrenching pain in your chest.

He also doesn't understand me? You think, putting your hand on the bonnet of the car to provide support for your weak self.

You stare down at the ground for some seconds before speaking up in your usual tone as the lump forming in your throat is being an obstacle for you.

" Do you also think that I don't deserve to live?" You ask, looking right into his reddened eyes.

Silence spills over between you two. He feels his heart rate fastening after seeing the terribly trembling fingers of yours which you're trying to hide from him.

" I- I didn't mean that- Y/N" He takes a step forward but you back away, " Right. You say whatever you want and then give such lame excuses. Well, I can see where you're coming from. Don't worry. I won't disturb your beloved friend anymore as You really care for him"

You emphasise the last sentence just to show how he has put his friend on the priority rather than you.

You walk over to the ledge, " If you want to go, you can take my car."

Standing there still, he sees you, trying not to break down in front of him.

He feels miserable that his sister can't even share her little problems with him and upon that, he shamelessly shot those harsh words at her.

" Y/N" he calls out your name but you put your hand up in the air, stopping him in the middle," No need for any explanation. I told you I will try to be better with your friend"

" B-but-"

" Can you please leave me alone?"

Minutes later, you hear footsteps fading away from you and you realise that he has respected your privacy just not your boundaries.

You've become so insensitive… just like your father.


Only if people knew your sufferings.

You look around but don't see anybody near you as you stand there, all alone. The cool breeze of the Han river caresses your face, your hair.

A notification from your phone takes your attention. You quickly check it so that you can throw away the negative thoughts you're having at the moment.

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