The run in

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       "Come on Steve I have got to do my math homework" I walked to my room and threw my backpack on the bed. Steve had already thrown his in the back of his truck. "Do you really have to do your school work?" Steve was winning. "Yeah Darry will kill me" I sat down at my desk. "You always say that that's all you say, why don't we do something fun that is boring." he followed. "No Steve" I walked into the kitchen to start cleaning the dishes. Steve followed me and we talked as I washed and dried the dishes and he put them away. After that we went outside to fix the fence gate. That Darry broke after trying to jump it. "KayLee seriously can we do something fun!" Steve begged me for the millionth time. 

        "No, we have fifteen minutes until Darry gets home and we have to chop the wood" I told him as calmly as I could even though I was annoyed. I tried my best not to lose my temper with Steve but my other so called friends I get mad quick. Really quick. I even have a scar to prove it. I was gathering cattle at the ranch I used to work at and a really expensive horse got away from me. I got mad and scared my horse. He bucked me off and I landed in a barbed wire fence. My arm got shattered and I got a nasty gash in my arm from it. I was in the hospital for a week. I snapped back to reality "Come on Steve if we do this quickly we can do something fun" I yelled at him. He was unfazed he saw me look at my scar. "Okay fine" he ran to the wood block. We Finished really quickly and went inside and made a chocolate cake. We always have something chocolate for breakfast. Either cake or chocolate milk. "And done" Steve smiled as he put the frosting on the cake. "Okay then I'm gonna go and change". 

     I quickly walked to my room and made sure the door was shut behind me. I then pulled out my shoe box, moved all the old photos out of the way, grabbed a few smoke sticks and a light. I quickly smoked them and started to pick out an outfit. In the end I grabbed an old T-shirt from California with a bear on it. Then I just grabbed some old blue jeans and a brown jacket that was hanging on my door. 

      I walked out of my bedroom to the living room and Darry and Steve were sitting next to each other. Dallas, Johnny, and Ponyboy were there too. " I guess you already told him?" They didn't notice I walked in. "Yup I sure did" Steve followed up. "Well are we gonna go or not?" Ponyboy bugged. "Yeah we are, Sodapop is meeting us there" I ordered them as we walked out the door. "KayLee you are not doing ANYTHING except watching" Darry said in his strict voice. "No really?" A lot of sarcasm slipped out of my mouth. I stopped in shock, so did Darry and everyone else. "You better Run" Two-bit broke the silence.   

     I sprinted as fast as I could across the vacant lot. I didn't mention that I play basketball and I'm on the A track team. Darry ran after me but I kept a head start. You see me, Darry, and Ponyboy are all about athletics. Darry played on the Varsity football team, Ponyboy is also on the A track team, and well I play basketball, Track and I used to do the rodeo. But Sodapop never really did any sports. He was more of an observer but you wouldn't guess that just by looking at him. 

     He's always been naturally fit then again lifting cars and heavy tools had something to do with it too. I snapped back to present day Darry was starting to slow down but not a lot, just a small bit. I was still going at a good speed. You stay in shape when you are an athlete. Just then I started running backwards and the gang (who have been following us in our race) started to laugh when I joined in. My giggling was soon cut short when I tripped over someone's foot, a soc's foot, Robert Sheldon to be exact. 

     I crashed backwards banging my already messed up head on the sidewalk. The gang came running after Darry and Ponyboy first. "KayLee are you okay?" Darry was nervous you couldn't tell I was the only one who could ever tell. "Watch where you're going Greaser girl" Bob snickered. Two-bit pulled out his switchblade, his fancy one with the shiny black handle and long shimmery silver blade. "Who are you callin a greaser girl pal?" he held his blade to his neck. I stood up dusting the dirt off. "Lay off Two-bit" Darry shouted. I walked up to Bob and stood in front of him. He was taller than me but only by a few inches or so. "Call me a Greaser girl again and your fancy car gets it" I told him as I swatted his canteen out of his hand. "You little-" He was cut off by Steve (who was taller than him) "Back off pal" Steve shoved him back as he grabbed my arm and dragged me away. They all followed.

      "KayLee, are you sure you're okay?" ponyboy bugged. :Pony-" Darry walked in between us "Pone she's fine" Darry told Ponyboy, he was lying like I said before I am the only one who can see through Darry. "Yeah Pone I'm fine" I saw Darry do a smirk not a cocky one but a 'Yeah okay' kind of smirk, now that I think Darry can see right through me too. But shortly after that incident we arrived at the rodeo gates and found Sodapop and Ali flirting as always.

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