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TW: Self harm, Suicide, Death, Mentioned Abuse, Crying, Screaming, Blood, Hospitals, Guilt, Mentioned drug abuse, Mentioned religon

Ranboo started to feel light headed. There was so much blood. It was everywhere. Blood was the last thing xe saw before passing out for the second time that day.

"Ranboo, it's time for dinner, Ive been calling for you," Niki said as she opened their bedroom door. It was dark. But a light was on in the bathroom. She knocked before opening the door. She let out a bloodcurdling scream at the scene before her. Eret came storming up the stairs.

"Niki! Niki whats wrong!?" Eret shouted as she made it to the top of the stairs.

"Eret! Eret call 911! Quickly! And call Phil, tell him to meet us at the hospital!" Niki screamed. She went into panic mode, barely registering as she grabbed the clean white towel from the rack and pushed it to Ranboo's arm.

"Whats going on?!" Eret called as he entered the bathroom, after getting off the phone with Phil.

"Oh gods," Eret gasped. They quickly joined Niki on her knees and checked for a pulse and heartbeat.

"Ranboo please," Niki pleaded, tears streaming down her face.

Niki felt like time was frozen. She blinked and she was being pulled out of the bathroom. Paramedics swarmed the room.

Then she was in the back of an ambulance, her and Eret holding onto each other like a life line.

Then Phil was there. With Tommy and a coughing Tubbo. Both of the teens were crying.

A number of hours later the doctor came in. She said a few words to Eret, before rushing back into the ER.

Then the doctor let them. They all swarmed around the teen laying in the bed, unconcious. Everyone was crying now. There was steady beeping in the room. It wasn't perfect but it was a rhythm. Niki counted it.





Then it stopped. Niki heard someone scream. It sounded like Tubbo, she thinks somewhere far away in her mind. They are pushed out of the room. She hears doctors shouting as she is pulled away.

She hears more screaming.

"Niki, Niki look at me, please," she hears, someone grabbed her hands, she looked up. It was Eret. She flung herself into him. They held eachother tight.

A doctor approached them.

"Im so sorry for your loss," he said, before walking back to the room. A sad look in his eyes.

Niki saw Tubbo fall to floor next to Tommy and Phil.

"Ranboo why?!" She heard him scream.

Eventually they all went to Phil's house. They gathered on the couches. Nobody said anything. Techno and Wilbur came home later. Phil took them aside and spoke with them quietly in the kitchen. Techno sat down next to Phil, tears in its eyes. Wilbur ran to his room. They could all hear his guitar faintly through the walls.

"Why did xe do it?" Tubbo mumbled, barely above a whisper.

"I... I think it was an accident.. There.. There wasn't a note.. It must have been their first... First time... Xe had no... No scars.." Eret answered, rubbing tears from their eyes.

"I shouldnt have left xem alone... I found them in that state and just... I let xem go home by themself.. I didnt... I shouldve stayed with xem.." Tommy cried out, slamming his fist against his knee.

"Tommy please-!" Phil called out as Tommy stormed up the stairs, locking his door behind him.

"Can... Can I stay here tonight Phil..? I dont.. I dont want to be alone..." Tubbo asked weakly.

"Of course," Phil said, before following Tommy upstairs, they could all hear him banging on the door, asking him for entry. They heard him as he sat with his back to the locked door, crying as he tries to talk to his son.

"I can't let Wilbur be alone through this, i'm sorry," Techno grunted, before also going upstairs.

Eventually everyone dispersed, Eret and Niki went home and Tubbo joined Tommy in his room.


The service was beautiful. It was in a lilac field on a perfect, sunny day. Ranboo loved lilacs, they were their favorite.

Everybody showed up. Even xer mother, in a black dress and a veil covering her face. She was occupanied by two cops, but nobody mentioned it.

They all cried together. They loaded into cars and drove to the graveyard.

They all watched on as the black casket was lowered into the ground, right underneath a beautiful giant oak tree. Julie collapsed in front of the hole.

"Thats my child! My Ranboo! Why god?! Why did you take my baby from me!? Im sorry Ranboo! Im so sorry, mommy loves you so much, im so sorry!  You were worth so much more than the drugs, I just wish I couldve seen it sooner! Please forgive me Ranboo, please!" She screamed up at the sky.

Eventually everyone was gone. Everyone but Tubbo.

"Boo? I hope you can hear me, from wherever you are. The police ended up ruling it as an accidental suicide. I just wish you would tell me why you did it, why did you leave me?" Tubbo cried as he leaned against the oak tree. He imagined Ranboo sitting right beside him.

"What happened to future we planned together? Moving into the apartment with Tommy? The luxury apartments on Yuraka Street? The big fluffy cat that we argued over the name of? Movie nights every Friday? You always said you were so exicited for it.. So why did you go before we got there?" Tubbo pleaded.

Tubbo sat there and talked about everything and nothing for an hour until a black car showed up.

"I have to go, Boo, im sorry, ill be back every single day. I promise you that. I love you, Boo. So, so much. I really do, bye," Tubbo said, before climbing into the car with Schlatt.

He kept his promise. He visited the grave every single day. He talked about school, his friends, family, anything. Tommy came a lot too, almost every other day.

Some nights, Tubbo would show up to the grave, bruised and beaten and just sit against the tree and cry for hours. Ranboo saw it.

Ranboo saw it all from above.

The end, I made myself cry a lot writing this. Maybe someday ill make a sequel about how Tubbo and Tommy (mainly Tubbo) are coping and such. I hope you guys liked the story. I love you kiddos <3

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