Midnight Disturbance

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TW: Mentions of rape, Food, Child abuse, Talk of foster homes, Nightmares, and Panic Attacks

"Hey there kiddos! Can I get you your usual?" Puffy asked as her three favorite preteens entered the shop.

"Yes please! Though can we get two scoops each instead of one today please Puffy?" Tommy greeted as the three sat down in their usual spot at the counter.

"Of course! Ill give it to you for the price of one scoop though, just dont tell anyone!" Puffy giggled. "So are we celebrating something?" She asked curiously.

"Yep! I got a B+ on my spelling test today!" Tubbo lied, though he was very convincing.

"Thats great! I told you studying would help, in honor of that, forget about paying, its on the house!" Puffy cheered as she set the two cones and a bowl of ice cream in front of them.

"Wow thanks Puffy!" Ranboo said happily, digging into xer bowl. They didnt like the cone because the ice cream ran down the sides and while its not the same as water, dairy made xer uncomfortable, and plus it made their hands all sticky.

Puffy was telling them about the latest gossip she had heard from her customers, they casually talked until the kids had finished.

"Alright we gotta go, thanks again Puffy!" Tommy said as they got up and walked out of the door.

"Anytime kiddos!" Puffy shouted from the behind the counter, even though the door had already closed.

As they made it to Tommys and sat on his bed, they heard the front door open. None of them recognised the voice, it was a women. They snuck down the stairs and Phil was at the kitchen table talking to a woman who was wearing a silk pale blue dress, her hair was up in a bun and she had a folder sprawled out between the two.

"Ah kids, this is Mrs Tracy, Techno's social worker," Phil introduced when he saw them.

"Nice to meet you," Tubbo and Ranboo said simultaneously, though they had very different approaches, Ranboo looked down and picked at xer arm while Tubbo extended a hand and shook hers.

"No offense, but why are you here? Phil officially adopted Techno YEARS ago, I didnt think a check in was needed after this long," Tommy said bluntly.

"Tommy!" Phil scolded. "Im so sorry Miss, my youngest has a bit of a mouth on him," he apologized.

"Its quite alright Mr Watson, I understand his confusion," she turned to Tommy, "we are investigating a foster house your brother lived in for some time, we came to collect his account of the events he experienced," Mrs Tracy explained. "I just came a bit early, he's not home yet so we were just talking," she finished.

"Oh, ok! Phil can Ranboo and Tubbo stay the night?" Tommy asked.

"Of course mate," Phil smiled.

"Oh I cant, sorry Bossman, my dads got a party at the house, I gotta be there, oh I have to go now actually, have fun you too!" Tubbo said, looking at the clock before putting on his shoes.

"Ok, bye Tubs!" Tommy waved.

"Bye Bee, sorry again for bothering you earlier," Ranboo whispered as they hugged the shorter boy.

"Your never a bother Boo, remember that, get some sleep tonight okay?" Tubbo whispered back, Ranboo nodded and let go.

"Wanna go upstairs and play some mario party?" Tommy asked.

"Oh your going down!" Ranboo laughed as the two ran upstairs.

That night, Ranboo fell asleep on the bottom bunk alone, Tommy right above xer.

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