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TW: Talking about rape, Foster homes, Food, Drugs, Alcohol, Withdrawl, Referenced nightmares, Not sleeping, Mentioned church, Mentioned therapy, Referenced PTSD, and Referenced panic attacks

After school, Tubbo and Ranboo went home with Tommy. They just joked around with each other in the living room before going upstairs when Wilbur's friends left. They heard the front door open.

"Im hommmmme!" Techno calls out.

"Alright mate! Dinner will be ready in 15 minutes!" Phil called back.

After dinner Ranboo moved to go back to Tommys room.

"Hey, Ranboo, wait a sec, okay?" Techno stopped xer.

"Oh uh, okay," Ranboo stammered, picking at their arm as a nervous tick.

After Techno finished helping Phil clean up, it led Ranboo to it's bedroom.

"So who was it?" Techno asked, sitting on the bed and patting the spot next to it.

"..what do you mean..?" Ranboo asked, although they already knew what it meant.

"Ill go first, when I was eight, before Phil adopted me, I was in this foster home for a couple years," It began.

"The mother was quiet and reserved. The father was loud and brash. I had been there for three months before it happened for the first time. The mother had put me to bed and the father came in 15 minutes later. He told me to be quiet, to not say anything. He left an hour later, I was hurt and confused, but I thought it was normal," it continued.

"I didnt tell anyone, there were other boys there, I didnt find out until I left but he did the same thing to them, he would visit each of us once a month. One of the older boys, he was around 13 knew it was wrong, he was new in the house. When it happened to him he went to the police, they took us all out of that house," it finished.

"Your turn," it told xer.

"Um.. It only happened once.. A few days ago.. Mom came home really late, it was two am or so, she brought a man with her, Hector, id never met him. I tried to not make any noise but I did and he came and said he wanted to have 'fun.' it lasted a long time, he made me look at him and kept calling me all these petnames for boys. Mom watched. She smiled the whole time.. Afterwards he left and I called Tubbo and we met at the treehouse," Ranboo stammered.

"Everytime I close my eyes I see him Techno, I feel his hands on me," their voice broke, "does is last forever? Will I ever be okay? Will I ever be able to sleep and not wake up screaming?" Ranboo sobbed into Techno's chest.

"I..it never fully goes away. It gets better, but itll always be there. S..sometimes I still have nightmares and wake up thinking im back in that house. Its not constant anymore. Therapy helped, I can get you a referal to my old therapist if you want," Techno offered, tearing up itself.

"I.. Im not ready to talk to some professional I dont know... Maybe eventually, but not yet.." Ranboo replied.

"That's fine, I didnt want to go to therapy immediately either," Techno comforted.

"Im always here if you ever wanna talk ok? Or if you just want company, you can always come to me, kid," Techno offered gently, patting Ranboo on the arm lightly.

"Thanks Techno, it really means a lot," Ranboo said gratefully.

"Of course, now i've got homework to do, so shoo," Techno said, nudging Ranboo playfully.

"Ok, well, good luck," Ranboo said, standing up and leaving.

"There you are Bossguy! What was that about?" Tubbo shouted when Ranboo opened the door.

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