Breakdown In The Bathroom

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TW: Nosy teachers, Breakdowns, Crying, Passing out, Panicking, Self harm

Eventually Tubbo got Ranboo to calm down, before Ranboo fell asleep on call, and Tubbo left the call on as he slept as well, just in case.

When they woke up, Ranboo was feeling better, a little sore, but better overall. Xe wanted to try going back to school, so they got dressed and went downstairs.

"Niki?" Ranboo asked, walking into the kitchen, Niki turned her back to the stove and smiled at xem.

"Good morning Ranboo! Whats up?" She greeted.

"I was wondering if I could go back to school today? I feel a lot better and I dont want to get behind on work," Ranboo explained.

"If your truly sure your ready, I dont see a problem with it. Oh, did you want breakfast?" Niki offered.

"Thank you Niki, and im not really hungry," Ranboo dismissed, running back up the stairs to get their new school stuff before running to school.


"Boo! What are you doing back already big pal?" Tommy said, running up to Ranboo and hugging xem tightly, earning a wince.

"Im ready to be back, Niki said it was ok," Ranboo told him.

"If your sure," Tommy shrugged. They walked to class together, Tubbo was home sick.

School went pretty good. Until Ranboo's last class. The teacher kept interogating them about where xe was.

"I was busy. Something personal came up," Ranboo answered.

"Oh really? What was so important that you had to miss the test, Mr. Beloved?" The teacher asked angerily.

"Something happened with my mother, I was not able to be here," Ranboo tried again.

"And that something was..?" The teacher asked.

"She went to jail! She got arrested after beating me and burning everything I own! I was in the hospital for days! Is that good enough for you?" Ranboo snapped, tears streaming down their face as xe slammed their hands on the table.

"I.. Im sorry, I didnt know, Mr. Beloved," the teacher froze. Ranboo left xer stuff and stormed out, running to the bathroom.

They entered and locked the largest stall. Sliding down the opposite wall, burying xer head in their hands, ignoring the burning sensation of xer tears.

They felt around xer pockets for their phone. Xe had left it on the desk. They were alone. Xe couldn't get help from Tubbo or Tommy.

They couldn't breathe.

Xe couldn't think either.

They were hyperventilating.

Xe needs to calm down.

Calm down.


They passed out.


"Boo! Ranboo!!" Tommy called, running through the halls of the now empty school.

"Check the bathrooms," Tubbo's hoarse voice came through the phone, followed by coughing.

"Right right," Tommy agreed.

He found Ranboo in the third bathroom he checked.

"Ranboo! Oh my god!" Tommy shouted when he saw Ranboo's slumped figure from underneath the stall. The stall was locked so Tommy quickly crawled through the gap underneath.

"Ranboo! Ranboo wake up!" Tommy shouted, shaking his friend's shoulders. He could hear Tubbo shouting from his discarded phone, though everything sounded fuzzy as his only focus was on Ranboo.

"Tommy! Tommy, check if xe is breathing!" Tubbo shouted, it finally caught Tommy's attention. He lowered his ear next to Ranboos mouth, listening to their breathing.

"Its shallow, Tubbo, xe is breathing but struggling. What do I do now?!" Tommy shouted to his phone.

"Just stay with them, I will call Eret and then call you right back, keep trying to wake xem up," Tubbo said before hanging up.


"Please pick up, please," Tubbo muttered as the phone rang.

"Hey Tubbo! What's up?" Eret greeted.

"Thank gods, Eret, you need to get the school fast, its Ranboo, Tommy found them passed out in a bathroom somewhere," Tubbo rushed out.

"Does he know what happened?" Eret asked, immediately grabbing her keys and running out of work with no explanation.

"No, he just couldn't find xem and was looking around when he found them," Tubbo explained.

"Alright, im like 5 minutes from the school, have Tommy carry xem outside," Eret said before hanging up,"


Tommy heard his phone ring and quickly pressed answer.

"Tubbo, their awake-ish, I mean xe is awake but super out of it. What did Eret say?" Tommy told him.

"Eret's 5 minutes from the school, he said to bring Ranboo outside," Tubbo replied, sighing with relief that Ranboo is awake.

"Cool, I will meet them there, Thanks Tubs," Tommy said before hanging up. He helped Ranboo stand, the latter putting all of their weight on him. The pair eventually made it outside to find Eret standing by her car.

"Tommy! Ranboo!" Eret called, running over to help them.

"Eret, thank gods, I dont know what happened," Tommy said.

"Eret," Ranboo whimpered.

"Hey bud, I'm right here. You wanna go home?" Eret asked gently, Ranboo nodded lazily.

"Boo, what happened?" Tommy asked in the car, turning to look at Ranboo, who was rubbing the spots where the water had soaked into xer skin.

"I.. My teacher wouldn't leave me alone about what happened. He made me mad and I ran off, I wanted to call you or Bo but my phone was still in his classroom. I panicked and ended up passing out," Ranboo stuttered out an explaination.

"Are you feeling better now?" Eret asked, glancing in the rear-view mirror.

"Mhm, just wanna go home," Ranboo sighed.


Ranboo laid on their bed. Alone at last. They had an urge. An urge to hurt xemself. Its nothing new but they had never actually done it. That would change today. Ranboo dug around in xer bathroom until they found some razors. It took a while but xe managed to take one apart.

They sat down on the cool tile. Xe took a deep breath before cutting a deep line going from wrist to just below the elbow.

Ranboo didn't know it at the time but they had made a dangerous mistake.

Im so sorry its been so long! Im going to put out another chapter later today or tomorrow! Love you kiddos!

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