This Isnt Home

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TW: Food, Mentioned panic attack, Religion, Christianity, Slight mention of child abuse, and Guilt

Ranboo got up when xe heard movement outside the door. They put on xer clothes from yesterday and brushed their hair, it was pretty long, xer mom could never afford hair cuts so she told them to let it do its thing.

"Oh, good morning Ranboo!" Niki greeted with a smile, turning from her spot in front of the stove.

"Er.. Hi," Ranboo replied akwardly, rubbing xer arm.

"Im making pancakes for breakfast, do you want plain, chocolate chip, or blueberry?" Niki offered.

"Um, blueberry please, if its not too much work," Ranboo answered.

"Not much work at all, it will be ready in about 20 minutes, feel free to watch some tv if you want, the remote should be on the coffee table," Niki said, gesturing to the other room. Ranboo nodded walking into the other room, but rather than putting on tv, they turned on xer phone and opened the bible app. They missed church, but that didnt mean xe couldnt still learn about God.

They read the bible until Niki called for xem.

"Foods on the table, Ive gotta get to the cafe, Erets already at work right now, so it will just be you, make sure to eat and take care of yourself, make yourself at home. Eret will be home around 4," Niki called, putting on her shoes and grabbing her phone and purse.

"Ok, thank you for breakfast," Ranboo replied shyly. Mr Harper had told them that xe cant return to school for at least a week after the hospitalization, so they would be alone.

"Anytime, bye!" Niki shouted, running out the door.

Ranboo just sat playing on xer phone until around 11, when Tubbo called them.

"Hey Boo! Hows house arrest treating you? Do you like the house?" Tubbo said happily.

"Hi Bo, I wouldnt call it house arrest. I mean its a nice house but its not.. Its not home, y'know?" Ranboo answered.

"Yeah I get it, you'll get used to it bossguy, got any plans?" Tubbo comforted.

"Uh not really, I mean, Eret is taking me shopping later, when they get home. They're too nice. Both of them. Niki made me pancakes this morning.. Its just so.. weird.. I dont deserve all this kindness.. Last night Eret calmed me down from an anxiety attack and even helped me put on cream after, all I could think was 'why?'" Ranboo explained.

"Boo, their both just being good people, you do deserve it, I promise. What got you worked up last night?" Tubbo said firmly.

"I.. Yesterday was Sunday.. I missed church.. I just... I felt really guilty. Eret talked me down though.." Ranboo admitted.

"Boo, God will forgive you for that, im glad Eret was there. Anyway, do you have something to play minecraft on?" Tubbo asked.

"Uh.. Not right now, but I will tomorrow, Im gonna buy a pc later I think," Ranboo said.

"Ok, well did you just wanna talk?" Tubbo asked, and Ranboo, being Ranboo, didnt know how to politely dismiss and said yes.

(505 words pog, been listening to 505 on repeat for at least 4 days straight (gay) at this point)

They talked for hours until Ranboo heard the front door start to open.

"Ive gotta go Bo, I love you," Ranboo said, plantonically of course.

"Oh ok, bye Boo! Love you too!" Tubbo ended the call.

"Ranboo? Im home bud, give me half an hour to get ready then we will go shopping," Eret called out. Ranboo agreed.

30 minutes later, Eret came downstairs. She had changed from his boring work clothes to a short pale yellow dress.

"Alright, ready to go?" Eret asked, Ranboo nodded.

"Did you eat anything? Why dont we stop and get some early dinner?" Eret offered, pulling into the Wendys parking lot.

"Ok, sure," Ranboo agreed. They got out and ate some dinner. Afterwards they went to the Walmart down the road.

"Alright, I have to grab some groceries, but take a cart and buy whatever you need or want, price doesnt matter, me and Niki are super rich," Eret told xem.

"Is it ok if we go to the thrift store after..? I really like shopping there for clothes. We dont have to though, its okay," Ranboo rubbed their arm nervously, scratching at it a little.

"Of course! Today is about you bud, anything you want to do or get, you can do or get," Eret laughed, grabbing a cart and heading for the food.

Ranboo grabbed another cart and headed for the area labelled 'Home.' Xe got a pc and monitor, some art stuff, and some books. They also grabbed some basic self care items, deodorent, a hair brush, etc. Then xe passed the wall decor. They decided that xer mom would have been disappointed if they didnt have at least one cross, so xe bought one to hang above the bed. When they were done, xe found Eret in the chip isle.

"All done?" Eret asked, looking at the cart. Ranboo nodded.

"Great! I meant to ask you earlier, is there anything your alleric too? Or just dont like to eat? How about favorites?" Eret continued.

"Uhm.. I dont have any allergies I think.. Other than the water thing.. Ill eat anything. I dont have favorites," Ranboo shrugged. Their mom had made sure xe was never picky with food. They had to eat what xe was given or they would get hit.

"Ok, lets go pay then and head to the thrift store," Eret said, leading Ranboo to the front of the store. Ranboo couldnt help but see the total cost of xer cart. It was almost 900 dollars.

"Im sorry for spending so much money.. I can put some back," Ranboo said, guilt seeping into their voice.

"I told you bud, dont worry about the cost, we are loaded, its fine, could you help me carry these bags to the car please?" Eret dismissed.

"Yeah," Ranboo said, grabbing a bunch of bags.

"To the thrift store!" Eret cheered, opening the trunk. Ranboo couldnt help but smile.

☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆There you guys go!! Love ya kiddos <3

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