"Yes I do." Ko'lae replied.

"I think I know her." I said.

"How?" She asked me.

"When I was sleeping, I had a memory." I began.

"When you were sick?" She asked.

"Yes, the same song was sung, with the same voice." I replied.

"Is that so?" Ko'lae asked.

"Yes, it was the same, there was no difference from the song at the ball and the one in my memory." I replied.

"Well, that means Ma is alive." Ko'lae replied. I held her as I walked and looked at everything. After finding the statue in the middle of the city I found the jail and smiled. I thought the others were watching me and Ko'lae, did I care, no. I bought a few apples to eat and sat on the roof of the jail, waiting for something strange to happen. Ko'lae snacked on birds until finally the statue began to move. I studied the statue and noticed that the stone was way newer than it should be if it was made hundreds of years ago, it even appeared to be hollow with a crack running the length of the top of the head.

"That's it." I told Ko'lae. She hissed at the opposite end the of city center and I saw what she was hissing at. "Akuma" I said out loud. There was three of them, and they appeared to be stronger than any I had ever fought before. One of them looked like an organ was mended to the unfortunate soul of an organ player. The second one looked like a barber had a child with a giant spider. The last one looked like an Egyptian mummy with two snakes for heads.

"What one should we fight first?" Ko'lae asked. The three akuma looked at me and the spider barber and the soul organ player went after the statue, leaving the snake mummy to fight Ko'lae and myself.

I was shocked to see the statue fighting the two other akuma. I didn't waste my time with it but studied the akuma quickly.

"Ko'lae, a crow." I said quickly. She nodded and I watched her sleek form shift into the form of a large, black bird. She took off into the sky and began fighting one of the heads. To help her out, I fought the other one. The only problem with this was the fact that this thing still had hands and feet it could fight with too. I wasn't able to attack it because I didn't have a weapon like any of the others. In some ways it was a good thing, in others it was a horrible thing. I pulled my knife out and cut it's arm when it swung at me.

I moved closer only to be hit in the side by it's clawed hand. I fell to my knee with the force of the strike and found the snake head I was fighting coiling around me. It lifted me off the ground and I started fighting to get free. I was able to get my right arm free and the snake tightened around me. It started to get hard for me to breath and my vision started to fade.

I concentrated on moving my arm and noticed the snake open it's jaws. I stabbed its nose and it screamed in pain. It thrashed its neck and flung me in the process. I heard a wall break and felt bars hit by back. I cried out in pain and fell to the floor coughing. I spit blood up and felt my side stinging. My knife was on the ground beside me. I touched my side and pulled my hand away out of instinct.

My hand was coated in blood and my shirt was torn. I ignored the remaining scraps of my shirt and reached for my knife with my left hand. I stopped and grabbed my shoulder instead, I must have cut my shoulder when I hit the wall. I looked up and noticed the shocked looks of Kanda, Daisya, Bookman, and Lavi. I grabbed my knife with my right arm and stood, using the bars for support. I didn't care for the wounds I had received or the blood that was staining my skin and clothing.

"Are you alright?!" Ko'lae asked me.

"I'm fine, you concentrate of your enemy." I replied, walking back to the hole in the wall. I heard an explosion and smiled, Ko'lae had finished off the snake mummy. Now there was only two left. The soul organ player peeled away from it's fight with the statue and came after me. It didn't take long to figure out what would take care of it.

"Ko'lae. A canine." I said, not realizing I said it out loud. She took the form of a black husky and I noticed she grew bigger than her normal size in that form. The akuma backed away like it was scared and Ko'lae advanced, growling. Ko'lae lunged and ended up crashing to the ground on top of the akuma. In seconds the monster was reduced to dust. Ko'lae howled and the other akuma was crushed to dust by a giant hammer. The statue walked over to me and I noticed the crack was larger.

I was starting to get dizzy and was able to see the statue fall and Ko'lae return to me as a small cat. My breathing was becoming heavy and it was getting harder to focus my eyes and ears. I heard ringing in my ears that just wouldn't go away and then my world went black. I felt the cold ground beneath me and heard someone yell my name. The only thing I knew at the time was the pain and the cold, and even that was starting to fade.

Innocence of the Shadow(A D-Gray Man Fanfic)Wattyawards First Place Winner 2015Where stories live. Discover now