(Prologue) Training PT2

Start from the beginning

Silver: Not the point. (to Damian) Switch!

Raven turns around and Damian punches her in the fast, sending her back a few feet and then comes at her with another attack to the stomach and jumps over firing his guns at her.

She deflects the bullets.

Raven: Cheap shot. I won't fall for the same--

Damian(to Silver): Switch!

Silver charges and takes a slice of Raven's Aura. Silver then combines his swords into its Scythe Form and continues his onslaught.

Raven: Impossible... How can I be overwhelmed... by these two?

Damian walks towards Raven and grabs by her hair.

Damian(smirks): That's simple.

Damian headbutts her and punches her in the face, sending her towards a tree.

Damian: You may have a unique set of skills and experience. But, your arrogance is the one weakness you have.

Raven: Tch.

Damian: By the way. Silver isn't the only one with a few tricks up his sleeve. (to Silver) Silver, keep her busy for me.

Raven rushed Damian and tried another attack with her sword, only for him to jump over her.

Silver: Got it.

Silver charges and attacks with his Scythe as Raven defends with her blade.

Damian focuses all of his power and it begins to rise.


Silver(fighting Raven): This will be good.

Raven(fighting Silver): His power. It's rising like before.


Vernal(shock): What is going on here? His power is-- It's making the ground shake.

Damian's power continues to rise and rise even more. Creating a small earthquake.

Silver: This is going to be fun.

Damian continues to charge his power while his friend Silver, continues to battle Raven and as he stops charging up, Vernal sees him give a cocky smile.

Damian(to Silver): That's enough Silver. She's mine.

Silver: All yours, I was getting bored anyway. Have fun.

Raven sees Silver back away from her and looks Damian looking at her.

Raven(points sword at him; to Damian): What are you going to do Damian? You already made a mistake on letting stopping your assault against me.

Damian(to Raven): That's what you think. Kaioken×4!

Damian activates his Kaioken and within a half a second, he rushes Raven and lands a strike. She quickly recovers from his attack and Damian is gone. He's teleporting all around her and she looks all over only for Damian to be right in front of her, she gasps as Damian launches a flurry of punches on Raven, she tries to attack him with her speed, but he dodges her attacks and smiles.

Raven: You're anticipating my movements. Better than before, however, this doesn't mean it's over.

Damian: Hmmm. I disagree. You think you're stronger than me. But, it's quite the opposite.

Raven(angry): What?

Damian: I'm way stronger than you.

The two of them charge at each other and continue their fight which then leads Damian to be ahead in the fight and causing Raven to lose ground.

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