(Prologue) Training PT2

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It was another beautiful sunny day for Damian and Silver, but it was different this time.


Because this time with the help from their friends Ruby and Yang, they managed to complete the Professor's assignments and get enrolled into Signal Academy. The boys were introduced to Ruby's friends and Yang's friends, they studied together, had lunch together and trained together. It was a load of fun. A real dream coming true. The boys leave the Academy to once again see a Raven flying around and this time they follow the Raven to a less populated area to take them again to her Base Camp.

The boys, along with Raven, walk through her portal where they see Vernal waiting for them again. They lead the two of them to an open area to train.

Raven: Now then. You two have seemed to already control your power in such a short time. It is time to see just how strong you two really are. My final test. You two appear to know our tribe's rules. So you two know that I'll give everything I got. If you don't give your all, you will die.

The two of them nod.

Veena: If they manage to actually survive, they can finally leave the tribe. The sooner, the better. Every second they're here is a death sentence for our tribe.

Damian, Silver and Raven get into a battle stance.

Silver: You intend to fight both of them at once? You may be strong, Raven, but don't go overestimating yourself.

Raven: Don't worry. I'm sure you will manage.

Damian chuckles.

Both sides charge towards each other. Moving with such incredible speed and moving so fast for Vernal to see. All she could see were the blows left in front of her from each attack.

Vernal: Just how strong are those two?!

The swords continued to clash with one another at insane speed and pinpoint accuracy. Damian leaps back and takes out his sword, then grabs his guns and opens fire on Raven who deflects every single one of them. Silver runs around in circles while shooting at her. Raven dodges and deflects the bullets only for him to stop and give a sharp whistle giving Damian the single who is up in the air and descends towards Raven who gets out of the way as Damian punches the ground.

Silver goes back to his swords charge at Raven with a frontal assault but she counters with ease and a powerful kick in the face sends him in the air and she leaps in the air performing a number of attacks. Draining his Aura. Damian catches him.

Damian(smiles): Silver. You look like Hell.

Silver(smiles): That means Hell is fun. Cause I'm having fun. By the way, I have an idea.

Damian: Let's hear it then.

Silver: Individually, she can dodge or deflect our attacks. But if we overwhelmed her with speed and power, even she can't keep up. (smirks) Ever heard of Switch?

Damian(smirks): Why yes. Yes I am.

Silver(smirks): Well my version is more powerful, called Switch Barrage. Even stronger and faster than the original.

Damian: Well then. You lead and I'll follow.

Silver: You got it. Trace on.

Raven: What are they up to?

Silver's arms and legs glow with light. His swords envelope with the same light.

Silver: Reinforcement.

Silver's arms, legs, and swords durability increase dramatically as he charges at Raven and attacks with speed and power.

Raven: Not bad. You increased your speed and power. But, it won't be enough to beat me.

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