Chapter 11: Showdown

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Southern Wyoming. Saturday, December 2, 2006.

Henry had selected a motel on the outskirts of Casper to be their headquarters. They needed to stay close enough to the city to have reliable cell phone service and internet, but that meant it would be a long drive to the churches. The vehicles waiting for them at the airport were SUVs with four-wheel drive. There was little snow accumulation on the ground, and clear weather was forecast for the next few days.

Neal smiled when he saw Crowley lounging in a chair in the motel lobby. His black suit and maroon shirt were in sharp contrast to the jeans and heavy jackets of the others.

"Take your time checking in," Crowley advised. "They haven't arrived yet."

"You have a way of tracking them?" Dean demanded.

Crowley nodded. "Don't I always come through for you?" He turned to Bobby. "Add this to my list of favors extended to you with up to now precious little payback. And while I'm at it, who made the room reservations?"

"I did," Henry said.

"Why did you leave me out?"

"He didn't," Bobby quickly said before Henry had a chance to reply. "You're staying with me, and you better not try anything."

Crowley rolled his eyes. "Haven't you learned by now you're not my type? But just to prove there are no hard feelings, I've already settled into your room."

Graham and Julia were staring at Crowley with a mixture of unease and curiosity. He appeared to revel in it. He invited everyone to Bobby's room to "be enlightened" as he explained it.

Crowley's complacent snarkiness had an additional benefit. Chloe already appeared less tense. Trading jabs with him probably eased a little of Dean's pressure too.

Henry had gotten reservations for the group on the ground floor at one end of the building. After stowing their bags, everyone trooped into the Odd Couple's room.

In front of the window, a map of southern Wyoming had been spread out over a sheet of yellow poster board. Symbols drawn on the poster board bordered the map on all sides. A long, slightly curved horn in a metal frame was suspended over the map.

"Those characters are Enochian," Bobby said. "Did you write this?"

"Don't look so surprised," Crowley chided. "Just because it's angel language doesn't mean I'm not fluent in it. I cashed in a favor from someone who dislikes Azazel as much as I do. He provided the spell."

"Who is he?" Dean asked.

Crowley smiled smugly. "Who else? An angel. Not someone I normally associate with, I grant. But as Cheekbones knows, having allies of all types is a decided advantage. This particular bloke has been assigned the task of making sure Lucifer doesn't escape. He was especially interested in learning about Chronos aiding Azazel. If a Greek god teams up with Lucifer, that could alter the balance of power."

"Chronos may not be the only one working with Azazel," Chloe said. "We suspect Dolos is also involved." She explained their line of reasoning. "Do you know of anyone else capable of mind control?"

"Not in the way you suggest," Crowley said. "Have you prepared accordingly?"

"We have," Dean said. "Care to explain how this contraption works?"

Crowley eyed him speculatively but didn't question him further. The demon knew they were capable of banishing deities but not how they did it. It was their ace-in-the-hole to ensure he behaved himself.

"The goat horn is from a specific cliff near Jerusalem," Crowley said. "It was dipped in certain oils and blessed by the angel in question. The Enochian text supplies the magic sauce. Once Azazel is within four hundred miles of us, his movements will appear as a bright red line on the map." He dropped into a chair. "For now, we wait. Anyone up for party games?"

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