Chapter 8: Maia

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New York City. Tuesday, February 18, 1913.

Neal met Henry by the entrance to the field office for the Bureau of Investigation. The building no longer existed in their time but it was close to the modern Federal Building. Everywhere Neal went, he tried to record the scene into his memory. He'd taken to carrying a pad of paper with him so he could sketch on the train or during taxi rides.

Henry was waiting for him outside the building. The papers Neal gave him contained ample evidence to keep Rat-face off the streets for decades. He and Henry didn't talk for long as they both needed to work fast. Henry hoped Offley's agents could make a raid that afternoon to pick up the crook. Neal's destination was Morningside Heights. He had one last con to run before they returned to the present.

When he returned to the hotel, Chloe and Sara were already in the lobby. They dashed off in a taxi for the Schinasi mansion. Neal had yet to be inside but the Schinasis were supposed to be out the entire day. They presented themselves as friends of Mrs. Schinasi and were allowed to enter the salon to write a note for her. The staff was busy in the dining room, giving Neal the chance to sneak around. Sara was prepared to explain he'd gone off in search of the bathroom. Neal keep the camera running in his head as he darted from room to room. Sara and Chloe had also promised to help remember details.

They couldn't stay for long without arousing suspicion, and in any case, they had one more stop to make—the Columbia University campus. If Mozzie had been along, he would have insisted on visiting the tunnels. But Neal had all he could manage in getting a general feel for the campus. In February, darkness came far too quickly, and they'd assured the others they'd be back by five o'clock.

Neal hoped the excursion helped to distract Chloe from what was coming. She was much quieter than normal, undoubtedly dreading the reunion with Maia.

They made it back to their hotel with only a few minutes to spare. They'd considered having dinner together before leaving, but they were all anxious to return. And nervous. Seth told them the orchid potion would transport them back, but it hadn't been tested.

As agreed, when they went upstairs they headed for Henry and Sam's room. One look at Sam's face and Neal knew something was seriously amiss.

"Azazel found us," Dean said as soon as they closed the door. "The son of a bitch knew we were at the Blue Parrot."

"He can engage in time travel too?" Chloe asked, dismayed.

"I don't know how he managed it, but he ordered us back to the present," Sam said, his face looking haunted. "He said if we didn't, he'd start killing everyone in the house. Maia, Bobby, Eric—they're all in danger."

"Chloe, you got that potion ready?" Dean asked.

She nodded. "The bottles are in my suitcase."

"Our room is a little larger," Sara said. "Let's meet there in fifteen minutes. It won't take us long to pack."

Henry had already paid their bills. Any thought of lingering was obliterated by the news about Azazel. What time would it be when they returned to the present? Had Azazel grown tired of waiting and already started the killings?

When everyone had gathered, Chloe passed out the individual glass vials she'd prepared in New Haven. Each contained an equal amount of the precious orchid potion.

Henry raised his vial. "Bottoms up, guys and gals. All aboard the New Haven Express!"

Henry was as worried as the rest of them, but they'd been getting out of scrapes all their lives. Somehow they'd find a way to come out of this one okay too. Neal clasped Sara's hand, clinked glasses with her, and tossed it down. The liquid had an unusual floral scent. He blinked and ...

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