Could it be that Miao Miao’s sincerity isn’t enough to touch the Budha?

Will it be enough if I give away all my dried fish to the Budha?

Will it be enough if I peel away my beautiful fur coat and give it to Budha?

Will it be enough if I cut my cute tail and ears and give it to Budha?

I am willing to use anything and everything I cherish for a single wish, that is to resurrect Shifu.

I bowed my head, grit my teeth, and continued to crawl forward, never giving up.

Step by step, the excessive exertion began to blur my vision, as if to shut one’s eyes forever. In my daze, I’ve awoken to a golden light and lofty aroma. Everything around me began twisting and turning. I appear to be in the monastery. The gentle Budha sat on a lotus throne, and beside him there were a lot of others smiling at me.

Dressed in a white robe and holding a garland, the Budha walked forward, his hand sprinkling a sort of nectar on me, and suddenly all my wounds and fatigue instantly disappeared.

“Crazy demon, why have you come?” The Budha finally spoke, his eyes seems to not only see through the world, but also through my heart.

I quickly knelt down to tell him my request.

“Bi Qingshen Jun was destined to meet his end violently, having been through karma, life and death, why insist?” The Budha shook his head, he did not answer my prayers.

“Miao Miao doesn’t mind the degree of the request, I just want Shifu!” I implored.

I didn’t think the Budha would use such complicated language and reasoning. I simply did not understand, so I hastily ran up to the Budha’s leg and pleaded, ignoring the proper etiquette I was taught.

“Bold evildoer! How dare you act so rudely to the Budha!” One of the disciples scolded.

“I ask that Budha drag this shameless demon and have her punished to death for all the killings she has committed.” Another disciple reminded.

“I won’t kill anymore, I won’t kill.” I continued to plead, “Miao Miao will start over as a cat, I promise that I won’t kill even a single mouse! Please save Shen Jun!”

Budha shook his head and said, “Everyone is born equal, put down your knife and attain enlightenment.”

Tears streamed down my entire face as I rubbed it against Budha’s leg.

“But…..” A disciple said.

Budha continued to teach, “Even though this demon was evil in the past, it is willing to change for the better. Not to mention, unborn seeds are innocent.”

“This disciple is thankful for teacher’s wisdom.” The disciple glanced at my abdomen, deeply bowed and then left.

What are unborn seeds? I opened my eyes wide and continued to pray, hoping it would be soon.

He finally sighed and said to the stubborn me, “At the summit of Luoying Mountain, there is a large rock. Everyday, spring water drips on this rock, and when the spring water breaks apart this great rock, that is the day when Bi Qingshen Jun will return.”

“Really? Shifu can come back?” I excitedly raised my tail up, and if not for the disciples giving me death glares, I would have jumped in circles holding Budha.

The Budha nodded in silence and let out a sigh, and slowly the disciples dissipated. I was surprised to find that I had suddenly been transported back to my sea of clouds.

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