17. Out of Practice

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It was slow going, the new stage between himself and Alina.

If Aleksander had thought he'd be upset when his own Heartrenders rose in her defense, there was no equivalent to how he felt when his own mother did.

"You don't deserve that girl."

Aleksander's hands clutched at the mug filled with hot kvas as he stared into the hut's fire. The sharp sting of his mother's switch hit his side and he jolted. His granite eyes glared fiercely back at the woman who'd raised him.

Even as he felt a crack start to fissure along the mug's surface, "I know."

His mother huffed as she fed another log to her fire, "Then what are you going to do about it boy?"

Her words echoed in his head throughout his day, and he found himself unable to focus upon his paperwork. He looked out the window of his study and watched the late afternoon light play across the landscape. He stood abruptly and left his office, his feet leading outside and towards the Materialki greenhouses.

Without a word to the leaving Grisha he made his way to the back where he knew the flowers were cultivated, one special patch dedicated to his soulmate's favorite flower.

He'd seen other courting soulmates handing each other bouquets. Aleksander found himself gripping the stalks tightly as he made his way to the library where he knew Alina would be studying.

The setting sun's rays that fell down through the glass roof caused a hazy ring of golden light to form around her. Alina wore her black kefta with pride despite everything.

He'd heard Fedyor had in secret gotten her a custom blue, but she'd rejected it.

Even as warmth began to spread through his limbs at her proximity he found himself frozen at the threshold. A nervousness he hadn't felt since he was a young teen stirring at the pits of him, but he didn't have time to hide as his soulmate turned her head toward him.

Her eyes glittered as he neared. He could feel an ache at his center growing with each step, he swallowed before offering the blue iris to her.

His soulmate took the stem gently as if afraid it would dissolve at the touch of her fingertips. Her face tilted downwards and she buried her nose into the soft petals.

Relief flooded his soul as he could see a small smile peek out from the blossoms, "Thank you, Aleksander."

The ache was still there but the warmth seemed to cradle it in his chest. He bent his knee before her and offered her his hand. She only hesitated for a brief moment before she glanced up and he held still, stopping himself from shutting off his emotions that he knew she'd be able to see across his features.

"Will you do me the great honor of courting you, Alina Starkova?"

This time there was no mistaking the smile or how she beamed with happiness. Still he held his breath waiting for her response.

Her long fingers slid across his own gloved ones, a shiver ran down his spine.

"I would like that very much, Aleksander Morozov."


It wasn't until a week passed that Aleksander realized he was sorely out of practice.

Both he and Alina were very busy people, he found himself often falling into the same patterns of the past before he had found her.

The difference being was he made every group meal. Aleksander would take every chance he had in those small moments. Fetching her some honey for her tea, holding her hand while he spoke to others, and savoring each of her little smiles that would grace her lips.

One evening they found themselves together in his study. He sat in his armchair before the fire, while she lay across the settae he'd set up across from the fireplace.

He looked up from his book and looked upon her as she lay relaxed upon her stomach, her legs crossed behind her. Occasionally she'd reach an interesting part of her story and he'd smile as she kicked her trousered legs back and forth and giggle into her clasped hands.

He waited until she had turned a page and he could see her finish the chapter.

"I'm not sure how to do this..."

Her eyes immediately met his as if she hadn't been completely consumed by her book before.

He found himself licking his lips in a habit he hadn't had since he was quite young.

"I'm not sure how to..." He gestured and ran hand through his dark hair.

Alina sat up placing her book to her left and leaned against the arm of the small couch.
"Courting?" He'd barely nodded before she continued, "Perhaps we could take a look at how the rest of Ravka does it..."

He couldn't help the slight sneer that appeared at the corner of his lips, "You want us to court like the society of..." He stopped as he saw her frown. A sigh passed through his lips, "They do not have the responsibilities we have."

Alina nodded, "That is true. However, Aleksander, I'd like us to be friends before becoming one in marriage." The rose of her cheeks darkened slightly and she cleared her throat to avoid his intense gaze, "Our union will be unlike any other soulmates in the history of our world. Due to our differences in age and the duration of time it took for you to gain and meet your soulmate..." Alina glanced back at him, the blush hadn't lessened from her cheeks, "We don't know how strong the pull will be during our bonding, or how distracted it will make us. We must be able to trust each other implicitly so that we can work together to find compromises while managing the Little Palace...and beyond."

His hands clenched in his lap as he was overwhelmed by his own stupidity, here his soulmate who had lived less life than him had been so much more wise than all his years put together. She never failed to surprise him. Her testaments were true. They didn't know what trials the future would bring and their bonding though joyful could bring them untold dangers if they weren't prepared and ready for it.

Aleksander sat forward offering his hand to Alina, "I realize we've always been at two extremes since we've met." He grasped her hand in his bare one, the rush of power causing a heady feeling to resonate, "I do not wish to bring you anymore pain, Alina."

She leaned forward and cradled his cheek in her hand, "Then we must find a compromise. With our schedules we must find moments where we can get to know one another so our trust can grow."

"What would you suggest?"

Aleksander watched Alina as she dropped her hand and bent to grab something from a small satchel she had leaned against the side of the settee, out of it she pulled a small ebony box tied with an emerald colored ribbon.

"I had been thinking of things we could do and I thought I could start with this."

She handed it to him a smile upon her lips, as she watched him reverently tuck the ribbon in his pocket after undoing the bow on top of the gift.

He found himself smiling as well the feel of the velvet ribbon lingering upon his fingertips, only Alina would know it was his secret favorite color.

"It seems my skills in the kitchen are quite atrocious when it comes to baking but I do seem to have a talent for spreads and jams."

Inside the box was a small glass jar about the size of his palm, and when he loosened the lid his stomach grumbled as a waft of fresh chocolate reached his nose.

"For your not so secret sweet tooth, I thought you might like it on your toast in the morning."

His dark curly head bowed over the small little jar, his eyes stinging for a moment before he looked to the flames and smiled.

He stood. A soft clatter as he placed the precious present on his side table.

Aleksander turned to his darling soulmate and bent down to whisper in her ear, "Thank you, moya zvezda." His heart warmed as he felt her joy.

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⏰ Última actualización: Sep 29, 2022 ⏰

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