12. Transparent Armor

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Alina was prepared to meet Aleksander's mother, her face set in a placid neutrality.

However as they approached the door he brought her up short, his face growing still, his lips downturning and his eyes drifting to the windowless hut. His pupils shook with almost a look of fear.

"Something you must know of Baghra is that she lost her soulmate," He paused, his swallowed, "even long before I met her."

Alina's lips pulled down in a frown, her hand slipped from his arm as she looked up at his face. His wording caused a pit to grow in her stomach, however she ignored it for the moment her brows furrowing instead her gaze looking upon the door as well. Her mind went to what Zoya had told her she'd overhead regarding amplifiers when they lost their soulmates.

Stepping forward she took the initiative and opened the hut's door a wave of warmth blowing directly in their faces before she entered with her soulmate following shortly after her.

It was dim within the hovel. Alina's eyes were quick to adjust though and when they did they could make out the sparse decorations of the home, if it could be called that with no personal touches added to it. Only the bare essentials: a small bed that would barely fit a full grown woman, a basin and stove with a kettle. Two worn chairs sat before a roaring fire within a black tile oven, in one of them sat a woman that blended into it like an old quilt made of shadows.

Alina strode forward and bent her knee before her. Dark grey eyes dulled by many years of pain and unuse of her power stared unseeingly to the side, but she was not as unaware of them as she seemed to be.

"You are late."

Her voice was hoarse as if it had been unused and yet Alina knew that the woman before her regularly spoke to her students. Quite loudly, if some of the reports Aleksander's received were to be believed and she did, especially from the memories of his childhood.

"Our meeting is long overdue indeed, Baghra." Alina spoke quietly even though she knew her soulmate could no doubt hear her. "I was wondering if I could hold your hand. You are my family now as well."

"Alina..." Aleksander's guilty whisper sounded from behind her but it was the old woman's hoarse chuckle that stopped whatever he was about to say.

"He lied, didn't he? Foolish boy!" Stone cold eyes flashed.

Alina breathed deeply in despite the stagnant air, she glanced briefly back at Aleksander.

"I believe some survival habits must be hard to break."

She stretched her hand out to Baghra, the old woman eyed it warily.

"Well I suppose I should see what you can do."

Alina smiled and hoped sincerely within herself that her plan would work as she closed her eyes and focused on the thought of 'warmth'. She knew when she must have started to glow when Aleksander gasped behind her but it was when Baghra went to snatch her hand away from her that Alina held on tighter, feeling the bonds within herself. The bond she had with her brother, the new bond with her new sister-in-law, her soulmate and now she reached out and focused on her one day mother-in-law pulling her into the warmth of her family bond.

Alina opened her eyes to find the old woman gazing at her with a look that bordered on horror and awe.

"What have you done, you stupid girl?"

Alina let go of her hand and stood back giving her some space.

"I've made sure that you'll never be cold again."

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