3. Reveals at the Fold

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Nearly four years passed and they found Alina looking at the dark divide that towered over Kirbirsk. 

She couldn’t help the whisper that escaped her, “The Fold.” 

She had only seen it in her ‘dream memories’ since the day she went through it as a child.

She jumped when a familiar burly arm wrapped around her head and gave her a gentle noogie; she had an arm raised for a punch but it was down as soon as her body recognized who it was behind her.


A shout from behind them caused them to jump out of the way, just in time as a blue carriage rushed by. Not before a pretty Grisha that had her head out the window glanced their way, her eyes seeming still fixed in their direction even as she was far away. 


Alina looked after the carriage and back at Mal who was massaging his chest and gaping with eyes wide after the carriage. 

“Was that her?” 

He barely nodded and she helped him close his mouth which still gaped as his friends came running up with a whoop. Mikhael clapped Mal over the back causing him to at last blink and turn to Alina. 

“It’s her.” 

Her lips tilted up, even as her heart twinged slightly in envy. 

“Well, what are you waiting for? Go after her!” 

He grinned and hugged her before jogging off. 

Dubrov looked confused after he had finally caught up with Mikhael as they saw Mal running off down the road. 


Alina knew her soulmate was not far, perhaps only several miles out from the Fold. Her heart not as ice cold as it had been most of her childhood. She could feel their bond tugging at her very being, begging her to get closer to him. However, she knew her soulmate would never allow her to go into the Fold the following day. 

She bit the inside of her lip as she stared up at the canvas ceiling of the cartographer quarters. She was nervous. Everything was going to change after the next day. Her powers no longer a secret, Mal knew she could turn invisible on occasion but he didn’t know she had been practicing other things. Especially when she found out exactly who her soulmate was, she knew she had to be prepared. She had to be able to protect her family at the very least. She would be just a child in his eyes, no matter when they would meet. So Alina practiced every chance she could; playing with the light from the stars, moon and sun; always making sure she was invisible while doing it afraid of what memories he might have in his own dreams. 


The next morning her heart was ablaze. It was far earlier than the rest of her team was awake but still she packed her bags hurriedly and quickly slipped invisibly out of the tent. Alina took the long way around to the skiff, she made sure to stay as far from the Second Army side of camp as she could before she made it to the docks. As she got onto the boat, she let out a little sigh of relief as she saw the Senior Cartographer already upon the ship. 

“Reporting for duty, ma’am.” 

“Early for the first time, Starkova. That eager for the crossing?” It was a sarcastic comment, with no expected answer. 

“Couldn’t sleep and thought I would come aboard as soon as I was able.” 

Alina’s breath caught in her throat as her superior spoke once more.

“A Heartrender asked after you this morning.” 

A swallow, “Did they say why?” 

The Senior Cartographer shook her head, “I didn’t ask. You are here now though; no order was issued.” 


She turned to find the blushing face of her brother beside a gorgeous carmel and ebony woman. 

“So are you my new sister-in-law?” 

The woman’s dark blue gaze stared her down with a lofty gaze, Alina just smiled. Mal looked between the two of them, his face nervous as if expecting for a fight to break out. 

Alina stuck her hand out for a handshake and the woman grabbed it before her eyes narrowed and turned it over quickly to view the scar on the other side. 

“The General has the very same scar on his…” 

Mal turned from his soulmate to his sister with wide eyes, “The General! Alina! He’s your soulmate!” 

Alina rushed forward and shushed him. After glancing around to make sure no one else had heard him, she asked…”Well aren’t you going to introduce me?” 

With a look that promised a long ‘big brother’ speech later, Mal turned toward his soulmate. 

“Zoya please meet my best friend and sister in all but blood Alina.” 

Dark storm blue eyes stared piercingly into Alina’s, “He would never allow you to cross the Fold.” 

“I know that’s why I might have used a couple of...self-taught talents to sneak onto the skiff while successfully evading his Heartrenders.” Alina bent forward and saw that they would soon be called to their positions, “Look, I have two people now on this skiff I need to make sure make it safely out of the Fold. The crossing won’t be called off just because I’m found.” 

Zoya pursed her full lips and shook her head, “This is a bad idea, but I won’t stop you.” 

“Positions!” The call was made. 

Zoya tugged Mal down to her height and gave him a passionate kiss before making her way to the bow. 

The skiff’s ramp was up and they were already moving toward the Fold. 

Alina felt a mighty tug at her heart and she looked back from where she stood at starboard. Her scarf swept away on a brief breeze as if it was magnetized as well to the lone figure on the dock. She wasn’t sure how their bond worked exactly but while still in sight of his dark cloaked figure she sent one thought, ‘This must be done.’

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