Six - Strange Date

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Izuku laughed as he fixed his skirt, looking up to his mother, who was driving in the front seat. Today was Sunday. It was sunny out. Izuku and Bakugou had planned on hanging out together, today. Which is why they were currently headed out of town, since Inko had an appointment, with an old friend of hers. 

Before the boys knew it, they were dropped off at Kyoto's mall, alone. Izuku was the first to walk in, clearly familiar with the environment. Therefore, Bakugou relied on the greenette for them not to get lost in the large building. 

"Alrighty- I'm thinking of going to Spencer's, first. I saw a shirt last time, and I really liked it! I'm sure you'll find something you like there too! How much money do you have?" Izuku rambled, walking through a hallway. A quiet music resonated through the mall while Katsuki waved his debit card around. 

"A little over a thousand." He shrugged, earning a shocked look from the freckled Omega. 

"Holy crap- I only have 150. You're rich!" The greenette giggled, continuing to walk. The two spoke a bit as they walked through the mall, until they reached the food court, located in the middle of the building. Lunch was only in two hours, so the teenagers decided to continue shopping before eating. They both made their way into another hall, small boutiques and large stores placed at each side as they walked. Midoriya was the one to lead the blonde into a dark store, SPENCERS written in graffiti on the door. The inside was dark, almost gothic. It wasn't what Katsuki expected, knowing Izuku was interested in such a place was strange to him. He was expecting something... Cuter. Lighter. More girly.

"Look! It's this one!" Izuku cheered, taking a black shirt off a hanger. He turned it towards Bakugou, displaying the logo on it. Katsuki immediately recognized a popular silhouette of a comic book character he used to watch as a kid, All Might. "Isn't it nice? If I can find a matching skirt, or shorts, it'll look great! It's not exactly my style, but it's still nice, right?" The greenette continued, searching through other shirts. Bakugou nodded, browsing through a few posters. Everything was really nice, but very expensive, therefore Katsuki decided to make his way deeper in the store. Izuku had promised not to wander off too far, which wasn't too hard since Spencer's was really small. 

Bakugou sighed, looking through hats and bags, all printed with cool designs and cartoon characters. There were mugs, keychains and a few themed card games too. Bakugou found the environment quite interesting, and a few things seemed to be quite his style. He continued his journey through the small shop, until his eyes landed on a rack of T-Shirt, all stamped with pornographic cartoon girls. His eyes widened, a rush of blood going up to his head. He didn't want to stare, but the breasts and nasty drawings made it hard for him to look away. He eventually came back to his senses, deciding to continue on. He examined a few other shelves of cartoon figures, and themed charms until he reached the very end of the small store. His eyes once again widened at the sight of the last wall. It was covered with shelves and racks. Only, the racks held nothing but lingerie and inappropriate clothing, and the shelves contained multiple different sex toys.

Bakugou looked down, embarrassed that the workers had seen him stare at such horrible things. He couldn't help it, though- It was human nature. Curiosity had gotten the best of him, for a minute, but now he was too ashamed of it and decided to go back up front to meet his friend again. He quickly found the greenette, who had come to choose the T-Shirt he wanted, as well as a pair of black stockings.

"You okay? You look pale." Izuku chuckled, seeing his friend's lifeless face. Bakugou nodded, shrugging as they approached the counter so the greenette could purchase his items. Izuku gently set down his shirt and stockings, earning a kind smile from the lady behind the counter. She had neon green hair, cut in a mullet, as well as multiple piercings and tattoos. She seemed to like her job and seemed to be a very nice person. 

"Is that all?" She asked, placing Midoriya's things in a brown paper bag. Izuku nodded sweetly, handing over a bill. While she counted the change, the greenette kept looking around. His eyes landed on his friend, who seemed to be desperately avoiding all eye contact with the end of the store. Izuku looked over, seeing the sexual end of the shop, and smiling. He suddenly realized why Bakugou seemed so pale, earlier. He had most likely wandered a little too far in the store and had gotten traumatized by a series of dildos and sexual clothing. 

The Omega beamed a smile as he grabbed his bag, exiting the store. He looked over to Katsuki, who seemed to be looking for another store to browse in.

"Is there anything in particular you wanted to buy, here?" Izuku questioned, trying to get an idea of what his friend was interested in so he could lead him to a suitable store. Bakugou thought for a moment, shrugging as a stupid idea came to mind. 

"I'm not sure. Do you have anything you'd recommend?" He asked, looking down to the shorter male. Midoriya paused, before smiling wide. He nodded, grabbing the blonde's hand as he walked off. Bakugou blushed madly at the slight physical contact, tightening his grip gently around the other's small hand. Before he knew it, he was standing in the middle of a store, surrounded by suits and other masculine clothing. 

"This seems like the perfect place for you! There's a bunch of different sizes, and styles- Look! Suits over there, work-out clothes over there! And if you look in the left corner, there's a bunch of casual clothing too! If you're looking for something breezy, there's the summer corner, and if you want something warm, there's sweaters and turtlenecks over there!" Izuku rambled, pointing around the store. Bakugou smiled, feeling his heart flutter at the enormous amount of support he was receiving from his friend. 

"I don't know. I usually wear T-Shirts and sweaters, with a pair of jeans. How much are those?" The Alpha muttered, taking a pair of dress pants off a nearby rack. They were charcoal grey and smooth, with big enough pockets for Katsuki's hands to fit comfortably. They also seemed very comfortable. The blonde smirked, eyes trailing off to the farthest corner of the store, where he could spot a black turtleneck shirt. He decided to have fun and brought the pants along with him as he went to grab the black shirt. Izuku followed him towards the dressing rooms, where he locked himself in a stall. Midoriya kept quiet as he watched his friend take off his shoes, from the gap under the door. He watched as Katsuki's pants dropped to the floor, and new ones were put on. There was a little pause, hearing Bakugou put on a shirt, before he walked out. Izuku couldn't help but let his jaw drop, admiring how wonderful the blonde looked. 

The black turtleneck was snug, showing off his muscles, yet it suited him quite nicely. The sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, too. The shirt was tucked into the grey pants, held there by a belt the blonde was already wearing earlier. Overall, Katsuki looked like a casual businessman. Yet he looked very hot. Midoriya couldn't help but compliment him over and over again, until he decided to do something too. He told the tall Alpha to stay put, as he got several other items for him to try on, thinking they would look great on him. 

Today was going to be an awesome and fun day, they could both tell. Their friendship had only just started, and it was the strongest friendship they had ever had with anyone. 

They had a bond that couldn't be broken.

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