Four - Funny Games

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Izuku flinched, a hand pressing itself on his shoulder. His eyes landed on an exhausted Bakugou, who was clearly talking to him. Only, Midoriya couldn't hear. He pulled out his earbuds, smiling at the blonde. 

"Sorry- I didn't hear you. What's wrong?" He chuckled, seeing Katsuki's tired expressions. The Alpha groaned, standing up straight to stretch, before replying. 

"I just- Please, don't tell anybody about what I told you, yesterday." The Alpha whispered, looking around to the crowd of students. Midoriya giggled, shaking his head. 

"I wasn't planning on telling anyone. As long as you don't tell anybody about my secret, I won't tell anybody about yours." The greenette hummed, turning to walk the other way. He was surprised when Bakugou followed him, walking by his side as he entered the building. Their first class, on Wednesday, was always Science class. Which was great, since the two needed to give in their assignment. Although it was only due in two days, Izuku and Katsuki had managed to get it completed the night prior. 

Both boys eventually reached their assigned classroom, where their teacher was filling in paperwork. Midoriya was the one to hand in their assignments, before going to take a seat. Aizawa seemed quite impressed by how quickly and neatly their work was done, and even gave a smile to the boys for being so good. 

As usual, the school day flew by quickly, leaving Izuku standing outside the building after the last bell rang. Bakugou and him had spent a lot of time together, today. They were never alone, though; Always surrounded by other students. But it didn't matter. They were both comfortable around one another. Katsuki had even offered to hang out together after school, since they had a blast while doing their homework, last night. Of course, Izuku accepted, and they had decided to meet in the school yard, before heading to Midoriya's home. Only, it seemed Bakugou had completely ditched him. 

Izuku looked around, no sign of any students. He frowned, shifting in his clothes. He didn't mind wearing pants, but he wanted to wear something comfortable now. He was starting to get annoyed by the constant fabric rubbing against his legs. The greenette checked his phone, seeing no notification whatsoever. It seems Katsuki really was a jerk, after all. The Omega sighed, making his way towards the gates. He stepped out onto the sidewalk, where he was violently grabbed and yelled after. 

The small male froze, not knowing what to do. He turned around, eyes meeting crimson ones. He only then understood that Bakugou had been waiting to pull a prank on him. Very funny. 

"Did I get you? You seemed kind of traumatized for a second-" Bakugou snickered, letting go of the freckled male's shoulders. Izuku nodded, wanting to cry from the fright he had just experienced. He wasn't pleased by this, but didn't say anything. 

"Come on." The greenette managed to squeak out, walking off onto their path. Bakugou followed, rambling on and on about his day. He only changed the subject once they reached Izuku's house. Only then, did he start talking about their secrets. 

"So- Has anyone else ever seen you cross-dress? Is it some kind of kink, or a hobby? You're really comfortable, wearing stockings-? They look kind of annoying to me. When did you start?" Katsuki bombarded, making the Omega's head spin. Izuku wanted to lash out and tell him to shut up, but it would be rude of him. So, he simply tried his best to answer every question of Bakugou's. 

"My mom and you are the only ones who have seen me. It's not a kink- Or a hobby either... It's just, me, I guess. Stockings are comfortable, at least, I think so. And I started crossdressing when I was thirteen." The small male explained, making sure he replied to each question correctly.

"That's cool." Katsuki replied, setting his things down on Izuku's bedroom floor. Inko Midoriya was absent, which meant the two were alone in the house. "So, what did you want to do-?" Bakugou asked, staring at several pictures around the room. He turned around to face the greenette but was only met by the freckled male, standing there in his underwear. It was only natural that the Alpha let out a shocked screech, looking away, which made the other giggle. 

"My God- Relax. Haven't you ever seen another guy in his underwear, before? Besides, I'm just changing." The Omega spoke, whacking the blonde in the back of the head with a skirt he had just pulled out. It didn't take long for Izuku to get dressed, in a pinkish dress. It showed off his freckled shoulders, and the sleeves went down to his hands. It was a little short, but not too much. It suited him quite nicely, putting his curves into display. "Do you like video games?" The greenette questioned, fixing his sleeves. Bakugou shrugged in response, sitting down in Izuku's chair. 

He watched as the small male smile wide, pulling out two gaming tablets. He handed one over to the blonde, helping him log into an online game. Katsuki tried his best to listen but was constantly distracted by the fact that his friend was seated on his lap, and his back was pressed against his chest.

Eventually, both boys managed to begin their game, laughing at how much the blonde sucked. Within five minutes, Katsuki's character had died a total of 6 times.

"Oh my gosh- You suck at this." Katsuki teased, making his friend burst out laughing. 

"I suck? You're one to talk. You don't even do anything- You spawn and die. You spawn and die. MOVE!" Izuku giggled loudly, showing the blonde the controls. This helped a little, since Bakugou stopped dying so often. He managed to follow Izuku's avatar around the game, picking up potions and pennies. It was a nice game, but challenging, since a lot of dragons were seen flying around, trying to attack the characters. Midoriya somehow managed to escape the beasts and remain alive, only dying a few times, while Bakugou died every time a dragon was spotted. 

The two played for over an hour, before Izuku's mother came home, calling out for supper. They went down to eat, both still laughing from the how awful Katsuki was at video games, before going back upstairs to play. 

They didn't plan on it, but both boys ended up staying home, the next day, since they had stayed up playing video games all night.

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