Chapter 166: The Ultimate Challenge 13

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"What you said makes sense," Lu Zhongze smiled. "Then let's wait for the result."

As soon as he finished speaking, the captain walked into the banquet hall. Everyone held their breath and followed the captain, waiting for him to announce the start of voting.

Captain: "Good afternoon, Dr. Xu has examined Mr. Lu's body, and the cause of death will be found later in the afternoon. Before that, I was worried that the murderer would attack others. I believe that after a day of observation, everyone has mastered some new clues. If anyone feels that he has confirmed who the murderer is and wants to identify it, I would welcome it very much.

After the captain finished speaking, the vibration of the mobile phone sounded on the table one after another, and the same voting interface appeared on the mobile phone screen as last time. The difference is that there is a row of bright red prompts at the top of this interface.

"Be careful, this will be your last chance to identify the murderer. Please vote carefully!!!"

The banquet hall was silent, and everyone looked down at their mobile phone screen. Whether they had voted or not, the expression on their faces was not relaxed.

This is not a game, but a big bet. Betting is your own life.

This gamble is destined that no one will be the winner, because even if it wins, it is premised on sacrificing other people's lives.

As long as it is a gamble, the banker will win.

"The voting is over."

The captain didn't give everyone much time to think about it. As soon as the time came, he closed the voting interface.

"The results of the voting will be announced within three minutes. Please wait here for a moment."

The captain went out, leaving the rest in the banquet hall waiting for the result.

Everyone should feel the same way. They have never felt that three minutes have been so long, and every second is suffering to them.

"Someone will die, and some people will definitely die..." Lu Zhongze was already sweating coldly and said, "The murderer will definitely vote. We can't win!"

"You're arguing to death! Can you be quiet? What nonsense!" Miss Gao, who sat next to him, couldn't listen anymore. She patted the table and drank low. "The tickets are all over. What's the use of talking about this now!" I'm so afraid of death. Why are you coming in? Stay and continue to do the task!"

Lu Zhongze looked at her quietly, with a strange hoarse tone: "Do you think you can get out of here alive?" The person who set up this ultimate challenge doesn't want us to leave alive at all. Look, the murderer will destroy us, but before that, hey hey... Someone will die first..."

Everyone was caught in the cold behind by his strange smile, and the haze in their hearts was getting heavier and heavier.

Although they have tried to keep calm, they all know that Lu Zhongze is telling the truth.

These people have entered the ultimate challenge smoothly, thinking that the difficulty of the ultimate challenge will be similar to the tasks they have done before, but they ignore that in the task, the characters they face are only NPCs made of data, let alone systematic help.

Here, they are fighting alone, and their opponents are real players with different hearts.

Many people regret that they should not impulsively enter the final challenge. They should stay in a different world and continue to do tasks, at least they can still live in a different world.

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