31. It's Not Just a Jersey

Start from the beginning

She's ditched Tubman's jersey, so I guess that's something, but I don't feel much better about the situation. I want to talk to her, ask her what the hell she was thinking putting it on in the first place, but our eyes only meet for a second before Lindsey is commanding Mia's attention again and she looks away.

"What the heck is a spit shot?" she asks her roommate, only to throw her hand up a second later. "Wait, I don't think I want to know."

You don't, Tink.

It's too late though. Because soon enough, Mitch is taking a shot and letting it loose into Lindsey's mouth as Mia watches in horror. If you've gotta be kidding me had a face, she's the embodiment of it right now and I'm here for it.

Her eyes go wide with shock. "Yeah, that's..."

"Blue Shoes, you're next!" Rhodes shouts over all the noise as he pours another round. He glances over at her with a smile. "You're with Adler."

Her eyes beam over to me, a heap of uncertainty radiating from her, which isn't surprising in the least. Stupid party games have never been her forte, especially one that's this particularly stupid.

"She won't do it," I spout off, finishing off my beer before tossing it into a trash can and letting my gaze fall back to Mia.

Time ticks by slowly as we stare each other down, my stomach sinking as her expression seems to shift and change with every passing second. Uncertainty melting into fear, transforming into guilt before dissolving into a pile of apprehension. I hate that I can read all of it on her face. It's making it hard to stay upset with her.

"I'll do it!" A perky voice chirps from behind me and I spin around to face no other than Emily Emerson. Of course, she'd be the happy volunteer. "I mean, if Mia doesn't want to," she shrugs, "I'd be happy to fill in."

I bet you would.

The problem is, wounded as I am about the whole jersey thing, I don't feel like spitting a shot into anyone's mouth but Mia's. If she's out, so am I. I'm about to lie and tell Emily that spit shots aren't my thing when something insane happens.

"No need, Emily," Mia shows up at my side like a bolt of lightning, throwing a very sugary fake smile in the cheerleader's direction before looking up at me. A possessive hand slides up my chest and her words slip out on a whisper. "I'll do it, but only with you."

"Same," I whisper back, feeling a surge of hope and heat fill my veins as she inches closer to me. I'm useless in this girl's proximity. I swear her honey eyes could cast a spell on me, her voice could put me in trance.

What the fuck was I even mad about again?

Reaching for her hand, I drag her a few steps away to escape all the people and noise for a minute. A flicker of satisfaction settles into my chest as I watch Mia sling one last glance over her shoulder at Emily before giving my hand a squeeze and turning all her attention back to me, waiting for whatever I'm about to say.

Since I don't exactly have anything eloquent prepared, I just come right out with it, "Why in the world did you come to the game in Tubman's jersey, Tink?"

She bursts out laughing and it sounds sad and amused at the same time, teeming with a frustration I can relate to but wasn't expecting.

"Because yours wasn't sent over as an option for me!" she explains, the words spilling out like she's been wanting to say them all day. "What the hell, Gray? I wanted to wear yours, but the girls were all Theo sent this over just for you and I felt bad! My hands were tied."

"I didn't know anyone was sending jerseys over!" I laugh, pulling her against me and wrapping her up in a hug. "I spent the morning getting ready to play and making sure I got to the team meeting on time. I don't pay attention to whatever else these clowns are up to on game day."

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