Chapter 140: Survival at the End of the World 4

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That night, the poor senior sister sat next to Xiang Ting and watched a movie all night. The panda's eyes were boiled out and she didn't wait to look at Xiang Ting, who was immersed in the game. This kind of disregardence was more uncomfortable than direct refusal.

This night passed, Xiang Ting became famous in World War I, and no girl dared to show her kindness to him again.

Xiang Ting knows what to do to get out of future troubles forever, and everyone who knows him also knows that Xiang Ting is a stentive boy.

However, he had no experience of rejecting girls. A man suddenly made such an incredible request to him, which caught Xiang Ting off guard and didn't know how to react for a moment.

Xiang Ting is a straight man, or the straight one who has direct cancer into the bone.

If it had been put in the past, a man dared to joke with him like this, Xiang Ting would have rolled his sleeve and punched him in the face.

But now, if the enemy starts infighting first, how can we talk about saving people?

Xiang Ting's eyes were gloomy when he landed, suppressed anger and contempt, restrained murder, and made Lu Shi's back cold in the future.

A melody suddenly occurred to my mind - "I should be in the car, not in the car..."

"I'm not kidding, and I don't mean to offend you." Lu Shijin nervously licked his dry lips, "Listen to me, my physique is different from that of ordinary powers, and I can absorb and transform energy..."

Next, Lu Shijin explained the effect of his special physique to Xiang Ting. After listening to this, Xiang Ting's eyes were still cold. Obviously, he still did not believe in Lu Shijin.

Lu Shijin understands that if it were replaced by himself, he would not believe it. Is there any more ridiculous reason to cheat than "slap can evolve into superman"?

He felt that Xiang Ting had not electrode him with power now, and he was already merciful to Xiang Ting's men.

"I'm rushing to save people. I don't have time to hear you tell jokes." Xiang Ting turned around expressionlessly and planned to drive the door and left. Lu Shijin was too worried about his weakness. He clutched Xiang Ting's arm to prevent him from leaving. "Don't go! You are going to die now!"

"Mr. Lu, please take care of yourself. I think you have helped me last night that I have tolerated you repeatedly and pestered me again. Don't blame you for being rude to you."

Xiang Ting waved his arm to get rid of Lu Shijin. He didn't work much, but he didn't expect Lu Shijin to be so weak that he could be thrown to the ground by him.

Xiang Ting couldn't help turning around and looking down. Lu Shijin was happy, and it was now!

The black-framed glasses fell to the ground just now. Lu Shijin was right at the opportunity to look back at him. He raised his head and threw the bangs back, revealing his plump and glossy forehead and a pair of glittering peach blossom eyes under the thick sword eyebrows.

What really attracted Xiang Ting's attention was the tan tear mole under the eyelids, which seemed to add some charm to the already handsome face.

Xiang Ting saw Lu Shijin's appearance clearly, and there was a moment of distractedness in his eyes. Unexpectedly, Lu Shijin, who had taken off his glasses, looked like this.

Lu Shijin saw Xiang Ting's eyes and was complacent. He ate my beauty and hit it!

At the same time, the wind direction of the bullet screen comment also changed.

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