Chapter 134: My Husband is a Lemon Essence 16

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Fang Xiran interrupted Fang Chen in a faint voice: "Father, after I regained my memory, I remembered something."

Fang Chen's attention diverted: "What's the matter?"

Fang Xiran inadvertently glanced at Xu Meiru's direction and said slowly, "I don't think it was an accident, but someone wanted to hurt me."

"Someone wants to hurt you? Who wants to hurt you?" Fang Chen's expression immediately became serious and said in a low voice, "Who dares to kill our Fangchen's son?"

Fang Drow was also surprised and interrupted, "But the police have not investigated it before. It is said that the driver was driving tired. Is it an accident?"

Fang Xiran: "I was driving on a two-way road with a speed limit of 80. The driver who caused the accident hit me at least 100 yards per hour, and there were other cars next to me at that time, but he seemed to have planned to hit me. I couldn't avoid him when I hit the steering wheel. And in the event of a car accident, shouldn't normal people's first reaction be stepping on the brakes? Instead, he stepped on the accelerator to accelerate. Don't you think it's weird?

In the process of Fang Xiran's speech, Xu Meiru always lowered her head. Although she looked calm on the surface, she clenched the tablecloth with her hand on her leg, and her carefully trimmed nails were deeply pinched into the meat to keep calm.

She was really afraid that Fang Xiran would point his finger at her the next second.

"Do you have anyone to doubt?" Fang Chen asked Fang Xiran.

Xu Meiru straightened her back, bit her back teeth, and lost blood on her face.

Fang Xiran glanced at Xu Meiru's expression, sneered slightly, shook his head and said, "Not for the time being, but if someone really instructed him, the key is to pry open the driver's mouth."

Fang Chen meditated for a moment, looking sullen and cold. "At that time, I didn't expect that someone deliberately caused the car accident, but the location of the accident was not monitored, and no witnesses were found, and you have been unconscious, so I couldn't find the evidence. Now I have a lot of doubts about what you say. I will send someone to investigate this matter. Anyone who wants to touch our minister's son will definitely ask him to pay the price.

Fang Zhuoer, who doesn't know the truth, patted the table and said: "That's right! The murderer behind the scenes must pay the price! It's so abominable. This is murder!"

The table shot by Fang Zhuoer shocked Xu Meiru. She couldn't help staring at her son with hatred. She wanted to get rid of Fang Xiran in order to pave the way for Fang Zhuoer, but her son helped Fang Xiran deal with her?

Xu Meiru was angry and anxious. How hard it was she to raise such an unintentional son?

After chatting, everyone left the dining table one after another. Fang Zhuoer returned to his room and was about to take a shower when they heard a knock on the door outside the door.

When I opened the door, it turned out to be Xu Meiru.

Fang Zall: "Mom, do you have something to call me?"

"Well," Xu Meiru closed the door with her backhand, "go in and said."

"But I'm going to take a shower. Is there anything you can't talk about later?" Fang Zhuoer lifted up his clothes and fanned the fan. "I'm sweaty all over for dinner. It's so hot."

Xu Meiru was angry when she saw her son's heartless look. She slapped her and said angrily, "Sit down, I have something to ask you."

Fang Zhuoer lay down on the sofa, "You can ask."

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