"GET OUT OF MY HOUSE AND NEVER RETURN TO THIS PROPERTY!!!" Gregory yelled. Kanda, Daisya, Allen, and Cross were shocked, speechless, and frozen in place.

"Get out!" Gregory commanded. The exorcists left and I cried to Grace while she stroked my hair.

"Raina, you can relax. They are gone now." Grace said sweetly. I looked up at her with a tear-stained face and puffy eyes. She smiled at me and helped me stand.

"Let's get you cleaned up my dear." She smiled. I nodded and let her lead me to my room. She wiped away the tears and smiled at me.

"You must be so shaken up." She said. I nodded and she looked outside at a carriage.

"I must go, I have business to attend to with your father." She sighed. I nodded my understanding and watched her as she left. Madeline walked in after Grace left. She had a new dress, her hair was redone, and she had bandages on her wounds. I helped clean up my room and walked to the balcony with her. The exorcists were watching me and I acted like they weren't there.

"That was a smart idea m'lady." Madeline said. I smiled, but never took my eyes off the exorcists.

"I am simply a good actress." I replied.

"Will you ever go back m'lady?" She asked me.

"I will when I feel the time is right. As for now I will be staying here." I replied. She nodded and continued on her days chores.

A few weeks later I received a letter, it was from the black order and Ko'lae was just as interested in it as I was. I opened the letter and read it. It was only explaining that I had gone rogue and all exorcists would be out to kill me.

"Think we should go back?" I asked Ko'lae.

"That would be wise." She replied.

"I guess we have been away for long enough." I sighed. Ko'lae nodded and I looked out over the garden.

"Now we need something to tell Gregory and Grace and the order." I sighed.

"I'm sure you'll think of something." Ko'lae replied. I nodded and walked to the trunk in my room.

"I guess it was a good thing that I had Unmei bring these here." I smiled opening the trunk and looking at my old clothes. Ko'lae looked at me and I closed the trunk.

"It's time to go." I sighed. Ko'lae sat on the trunk and I walked to the sitting room, where Grace and Gregory were.

"Mother, father." I said.

"Yes dear?" Grace asked me.

"I got a letter from my biological aunt. She says that the men that attacked my family were caught and I can return home now." I explained.

"Don't you like it here?" Gregory asked me."This place will always be home, but I miss my aunt and have become greatly homesick." I replied.

"This place will always be home for you." Grace smiled. I smiled back and curtsied. That went easier than I thought. I returned to my room and explained the same thing to Madeline. She understood and explained that Grace and Gregory had an audience with the king for the midday meal. I said goodbye to her, changed into my old clothes, and pulled my hair into it's braid.

"It's so nice to be back in pants." I said to Ko'lae.

"We are leaving now then." Ko'lae said. I nodded and placed my dress and shoes in a small suitcase. I walked out of the house and walked to the gate. Unmei was flying beside me and I looked back at the house before walking to the station. When I got there I found a phone and contacted the order. I was shocked to find that the order's contact information was on the letter they sent me.

"Hello?" Komui answered.

"This is the black order right?" I asked.

"Yes, this is the black order." He replied.

"Good. I will be back at the order in a week or two." I said.

"Who is this?" Komui asked.

"My name is Mimiteh, I am the accommodator to Ko'lae, and an exorcist of the black order." I replied with a smile.

"Well Mimiteh, we will have an escort waiting for you at the station." He replied. I hung up and boarded the train. The trip was long but I had plenty of time to study the bracelet my mother sent to me seven months ago. Tsuki Kuro was an exorcist, is alive somewhere, and is my mother. She sent me a golem and her innocence weapon, Shadow of Eve. I guess I had a lot to learn about myself.

"What do you think they will do to us?" Ko'lae asked me.

"I don't know." I replied. I was wondering that same exact thing, we did run off without an explanation. After a week and a half of sitting on the train running every case scenario through my head and thinking about what could happen the train arrived in Paris. I got off the train and looked around at everyone at the station. It didn't take me long to find Kanda and Daisya waiting for me. I laughed, it was so ironic that they would be the ones to escort me back to the order.  

Innocence of the Shadow(A D-Gray Man Fanfic)Wattyawards First Place Winner 2015Where stories live. Discover now