Skz x 2min and i.n ( what about me?)

827 19 5

Littles: Minho , Seungmin, and I.n
Caregiver: Skz
Trigger warning ⚠️: neglecting minho, I thinks thats it
Requested by:@MiositoWoojin
Sharing can be hard, especially when it comes to littles caregivers. Minho had to find this out the hard way sadly.
Third person

It was a regular day in the skz house hold, the littles were doing there own things and the caregiver were working or playing video games.

One little in particular wanted some attention, it was Minho. Now you can say Minho was quite independent but he still had his moments, after all he is the little with the oldest headspace.

He first went over to his main care giver which happen to be chan.

" Dada can u play with me please?" Minho asked.

" Not right now im taking care of innie go bother somone else," chan said rather harshly.

This put Minho to a wonder, was he really that big of a bother? If he was than he should leave right? But no he tried again and went over to his next hyung.

" hyungie? Can I have some cuddles," the little Minho said.

" Uh not right now I'm busy," changbin said.

And the next Hyung.
All that Minho got from them was " I'm busy" or " Not right now"

By the minute he was starting to grow more and more frustrated. By having this stress in his head space it made him slip further and further until he was no longer able to even walk or make up words, nada. Instead he curled up into a ball and started to cry his eyes out.

" WE DO O ON IKE MINMIN!" ( why does no one like minmin) He exclaimed.

He started to bang his head against the wall harder and harder but still no sign of them. So after all his crying he finally knocked out sleeping deeply.

Time skip~~

Third person pov.

It was finally the next day! Wow to start off fresh and new is the best feeling.

Well to bad that was not happening today.

In the morning one hyung realized he saw no sign of Minho.

" Hey guys have you guys seen Minho lately?" Jisung asked.

" Uhm no last time I saw him was-" Felix cut himself off.

"Oh shit" they all said.
In minhos room~

" Babyboy?" Chan asked.

No response

" kitten?" Hyunjin shot.

Still no response

" little one?" Jisung said.

And finally Minho was seen laying on the floor with his cheeks stained with tears, least to say all his hyungs were feeling terrible.

" Aww baby why are you crying?" Changbin asked.

" Batuse evy on kep inor minmin," ( because everyone was ignoring min min) he said sadly.

" Aww we're sorry baby if w promise to give you more cuddles," Chan said .

At that very moment anything could have happened but just as Minho was about to say something Seungmin came into the room crying.


" its otay I fowgav" Minho said.

" Aww is my baby feeling super small today?" Felix asked.

With this Minho blushed and was just happy that he got to cuddle with all his lobbing care givers.

The end❤️

528 words

Sorry for the crappy ending and that I have been not posting as much ya know school and shit💀💀

Anyways bye my lovely's ❤️❤️❤️

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