Jake x sunghoon (icky 🤧)

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Little:Jake 1-3
Cg: Sunghoon (duh😭😭)
Trigger warning ⚠️: sick (again like always pls tell me if there is anything else❤️)
Ps⭐️: also a bit of puppy space cause like I can 😐👍😭
No one pov

" papa! M icky!" A little Jake whined to his caregiver.

" I'm sorry pup but you just have to hope the medicine makes it better by tomorrow. Is there anything I can get you?" Sunghoon asked his baby.

" hmm" Jake thought, " I wan baba an paci pleaseee"

" Ok babes, let's go." Sunghoon said, but just as hoon was getting up to leave he heard a little whine.

" What's wrong baby? Do you not wanna come with daddy?" Sunghoon questioned the usually clingy puppy.

" I wan up-ups!" Jake said before letting out a crispy cough.

" Ohh ok baby." Sunghoon said while walking over to where Jake was sitting to pick him up.
" Ready now?"

" Yesh," Jake responded.

On the way to the kitchen sunghoon felt Jake rest his head against his shoulder indicating that Jake was probably gonna fall asleep soon once the medicine kicks in.

" Ok was bottle do you want?" Sunghoon asked while holding up three options for jake to choose from.

" I wan that!" Jake said pointing to the grey one with puppy paws on it.

" Ok baby." Sunghoon said while making some angel milk for his pup. "Once we get you this baba it's time for a short nap,"

" Bu I'm no tired." Jake argued.

" oh well we'll see,"

Time skip~

As sunghoon counted the seconds jake was out like a light.

" Wow 23 seconds, new record!" Sunghoon whispered to himself.

" goodnight by puppy, feel better tommorow," sunghoon said while kissing jakes forehead and leaving the room.

" Dada love u..."

The end❤️
Hey y'all, sorry for the short chapter but better than none ig😭 I hope you guys liked this one cause I'm prob not gonna write for another little while.

Word count:329

Have a good day/night my lovelys ❤️

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