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It's morning....

It's really early in the morning!

The sun just woke up!

Shine heard a sobbing voice!

"I shouldn't have left you here! My precious! Where are you?? Are you fine?"
It's a voice of a boy! Its still in the morning so Shine is still processing everything.

How come she was hearing sounds without a sound source! She was baffled!

She followed the sound. Once again, her eyes glowed. It became Green! She saw Bright was crying near the pond. Because off still sleepy Ness shine didn't notice a thing changed in herself!

When she saw Bright was crying she ran to the pond.

*Huff!!* *Huff* *Huff*

After running sometime she was huffing! She ran really fast.

"What's wrong? Are you okay? Wait, Bright you are gonna fall-" Before she could finish her sentence Bright fell into the water.

*Splash* *Splash* *Splash*

A splashing sound was piercing through the silent atmosphere!

Shine got scared. She doesn't know what to do? Bright was splattering water here and there. He was shouting, "Help!! SOMEONE HELP ME!" HE DIDN'T NOTICED SHINE.

Shine was thinking and trembling at the same time, she thought to herself, "Come down Shine. I have to help Bright. I have to help him." She found a big pole laying at the ground. She quickly grabbed it and throws to Bright to catch!

"Bright, catch it! You will be fine! I am here to help you". Saying those words shine was crying. She was hoping that Bright should be fine or else, if he is hurt, then what should she do now.

Bright hearing Shines's voice felt relieved! The girl next house came for him. He thought he might die today! Because none of his parents were awake! But Shine... She woke up and came to help him. Bright hold the pole went up.

They both started to huffing. These little kids didn't know this would take their all of the energy! Bright was soaked in the water.
He might have drank those water too! (Lol)

Bright took of his shirt and looked at Shine who was lying on the grass.
"Thank you Shine. I don't know how to say Thank you! I am really grateful to you. You are a sweet girl Shine." Bright looking at Shine grateful eyes said those words. Shine got shy. But she was confused why was he here and crying! Seeing him crying made her heart shattered!

"Why were you crying here alone in the morning?" Shine was angry. She was angry because, if bright wasn't here crying alone none of these would have happened! She angrily looked at Bright!
Bright was clueless! Bright kind of looked a like puppy who felt like he was wrong. And trying to saying sorry!

I swear, Shine saw Two ears pop out of his head and went down. And his tail was also bend down!
She chuckled!!

She then remembered, if she didn't know what happened, something dangerous could happen today!

"Sorry, I shouldn't be scolding you! It's just, I was scared to death! What if something happened to you? No one was here. No one would have known!" Hurtfully she looked at him. Tears rolling on the cheeks. Tears were looking like a pearl to Bright on Shines's cheek!
He chuckled!
Shine was shining in the sun! He got shy! Shine looked very cute. He was blushing! His face was red! Shine noticed. Bright thought Shine is the most beautiful girl he ever saw! But because of blushing he faced the other way.

DESTINY *The Two Of Us*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora