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Everyone at the dinner table,
Enjoying the dinner. Spending quality time with each other.
They just moved in here. The dinner was light.(Bread, soup, kimchi fried rice and For Shine a cute mug of milk)
But the laughter filled the room with joy..!

At night, after some time,

[A big frame of a golden border a family picture was in there. A young woman hugging a girl and A young man standing behind them hugging them together. It was basically a painting of the family but now it was framed. The little girl kind of looking like Shine]

*Why are staring at the picture? You should sleep. We had a lot to do today. Aren't you tired already?" Standing behind the mother father tiptoed came and stand there while staring at the picture..

*She was my grandmother's grandmother. She is holding my grandmother. But sometimes it feels off. She looks just like Shine." Staring and touching the picture frame she exclaimed with suspicious. And Looked at her husband who was right behind her. Looking at her.

(Touching the painting)

"You are right. But it's just she resembles her. She's not her. That cannot be her. You know that too. Right Leah???" Hugging his wife Leah he said those words to comfort her.

Leah was always worried of Shine. Although there was nothing to worry about. Leah wouldn't let her family know about Shine when she was born. But after that accident! She just got more paranoid! She wanted to move away right away!!!! She was paranoid that something might hurt their child. Their only child!!!!!!

"You never know. You know why I am being like this. Why we have to protect her. She's our only hope. Our Shine!!!! Liam, you know don't you? We have came back to the mountains again.. She's going to be 20 soon..." Leah was scared to core... Her whole body shivered with fear hoping something might hurt them, their daughter! She was trembling and saying those words to her husband Liam!

Liam was calm. He was scared too! But he was a man! A father!! A husband!!!!
He had to be strong no matter what!!!
For his family!!!

Liam hugged her tightly and said, "I will never let anyone hurt our daughter! She is going to be fine! You have to tell her truth! About herself!!!! Then she will not freak out or get hurt anyway!!!"

"We have to tell her? About herself!! ARE YOU CRAZY?? SHE'S JUST A CHILD!!! NO!!!!!! SHE'S A BABY GIRL!!! SHE MIGHT THINK SHE IS NORMAL LIKE OTHERS!!! SHE WOULD FREAK OUT!!!!" Leah pushed Liam back to the wall and shouted!

She knows that feeling very well when someone is different from others! People often call them *FREAKS* *WEIRDO* OR, *POSSESSED* She will not let have Shine suffer like that!!!!

But why? Why is Shine so different??

"Honey, we have to! She has to know. She deserves to know. It's her Right for God sake!!!! Or else, she might get hurt, or hurt someone!!! Or fall for mysterious mountain! Think!!!! She can save herself. If she can find herself a mate! Her DESTINY.... SHE JUST NEED TIME!"
LIAM shouted at Leah while holding her shoulders. He was desperate just like his wife..

*Aroooooo* *Awooooooo*

The mountains making howling sounds. This sounds can make anyone shudder!

Leah looked at Liam. She was thinking of something! She looked at him sadly and said, "maybe you are right! She needs to know. We have to let her know!"

They hugged each other and sobbed silently! They knew what kind of danger was coming towards them! But they are together in this they can fight against it. With the help of each other! They were only worried about Shine!!!!

Shine, who was sleeping peacefully on her with a stuffed animal beside her! She didn't know herself! Her family's dark secret! Or even darkest secret of herself.... Even her parents don't know, Shine holds into some darkest secrets of her own!!! Her DESTINY is written! She has to fight to change it! Or,, bear it!!!

[A tall dark figure which wasn't a shadow, slowly rushing at Shines bedside window! It's a man's figure! A very tall figure! It was looking at her (Shine) sleeping! Its hand was slowly going to touch her cheeks but then a green light appeared! A tall figure vanished then after! The Green light, was filled in the whole room! It looked like a green mountain area! But it was only a small room of a little girl!]

Shine has some vivid flashbacks! But they are just still! Not moving or saying anything! It was like a eternal! Like never ending! But she wasn't feeling anything!!! She was just lying and sleeping!!!

The room glows faded away! Every thing became normal! Like nothing happened!

In the mountains, there were a White Wolf going back and forth! It was running in the vast area! Like it was his home! He stopped at the edge of the mountains! And howled!

The mountain were shaking because of that! But then suddenly there was a bright light appeared and *BOOM* The beautiful White wolf who was running around the mountains suddenly Appeared like a Man!!
A tall Man!

"Finally, we will meet. You are my destiny! And my bride!! I will make you mine this time! I will not let you go again! In this life!!!!!!!
YOU ARE MINE!!! SHINE!!!!!! ONLY MINE!!!" The tall Man again became the White wolf and got mixed up with the darkness in the mountain.folled with thick fog. The fog was covering the whole area! It is almost impossible to tell what is in the thick fog.


In other place, a blue bright light was also glowing in the night!! Only a blueish light is getting seen! The wolf noticed but he just ran into the darkness!!!! But faded with the fog! The fog remains were slowly fading away!

The blue light glowed like a Moon in the night sky!!!!

The river around the mountain, was making sounds only! Everything stopped at that moment! Everything's was so pretty!
The fog,, the darkness,, everything what was making the mountain so scary and dark immediately got vanished! And took a new Avatar!

But the night ended! And the darkness faded with the bright light!!!!!! The sun was rising around the mountains! As the fog fades away, the morning sunshine keeps coming the way! It's like a garnish morning!!!

It was almost like a sunflower who was blooming on the mountains back. It was beautiful! Anyone can get mesmerized!!!

Birds began to chirp again! A slow yet cold breeze was passing through the grass! It's was pretty as if the nature is presenting herself at a beautiful yet mysterious way! The nature was beautiful, She's just breathe taking.
She began her new day with some interesting people around her. She will immerged them into her....

She's the Beautiful illusion!

A new day yet ordinary!

A new day, new mystery!
Everyone has their secrets!
They have their own reasons to be like what they choose!

What's this mystery? Who was that White wolf! What was that blue light? A green light around shine? A tall figure? What is going on??????

DESTINY *The Two Of Us*Where stories live. Discover now