VIII - Gardens Into Graves

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♥ Eren's POV

♥ Enjoy as always and thank you for reading:)

♥ Love u all

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Ever since he was little, Eren loved cars. All kinds of cars. Toy cars, real cars, go-karts, bumper cars, being driven in cars, until he was finally old enough to drive one by himself.

The inner machinations of a car are quite simple. He knew how cars worked, what made them run, what made them halt, how to fix them, where to fix them, what to do to fix them. It was something that he could never fuck up. You go from point A, to point B, to point C. And sometimes, in reverse order. But it was always straightforward.

But that's what he liked about cars. They were predictable. One is able to control them. Even a total idiot could learn every single meticulous detail about operating and fixing cars. I mean, Connie did, after all. That should be enough proof within itself.

However, on the other hand, people were different. Much, much, different.

Exponentially more unpredictable, unable to be controlled, free-willed.

A car could never leave you, you would obviously have to be the one to make it go somewhere. You don't have to read a car's mind to know what it wants, what it's thinking.

If a car breaks down, it's likely the battery, the engine, or a blown tire. If not that, the problem was still simple enough to resolve without much fuss. As if needing more proof, every single vehicle comes with its own manual.

Conversely, if a person were to break down, well, that could mean quite literally anything.

Was it a matter of the mind, or the heart? What was the cause? How do you fix it? Where do you fix it? Are you even able to fix it? There was no manual when it came to fixing people. No clear list of steps to follow, no instructions, no diagrams or play-by-plays. You couldn't particularly contact the original manufacturer, either (especially if the individual in question doesn't... have one, anymore).

There are far too many variables when it comes to dealing with people.

A car cannot lie to you. When a car is at its end, it will clearly tell you.

People will often die before saying what they mean, before telling the truth.

Most of all, Eren knew he couldn't disappoint a car. As stupid as that sounds. It would never judge him, desert him, he could never say the wrong thing to it, hurt it's feelings, et cetera.

You, on the other hand, were nothing like a car. He couldn't read you for the life of him.

From the moment you walked into his life, or rather, got carried into it by a particular blonde ruffian, he spent most of his time thinking about you. Trying to figure out how you operate. And despite his best and valiant efforts, he couldn't.

He wanted to hate you at first. So deeply he wanted nothing to do with you, he assumed you were just another vacuous transplant from some bustling metropolis, a regular city girl that would annoy him to the ends of the earth.

And well, he was right about the annoying part. He was extremely annoyed by you. Annoyed by the effect you had on him. Annoyed at how he couldn't stop thinking about you, how you plagued his thoughts day and night. It was so excruciatingly annoying how selfless you were, thoughtful to everyone, kind and caring to him of all people, even when he's nothing but a self-righteous idiot towards you.

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